Chapter 10

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Sesshomaru waited patiently in his car as he looked at the bar called Naruto's. The name kept plaguing his mind, why did it seem familiar? He took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled the smoke out of his car window as he scouted the area nonchalantly. A few thugs stared back at him wondering if he was a cop. He scowled at them but they continued to stare in a testing manner. Sesshomaru flicked his cigarette and got out of his car. He pressed away a wrinkle on his jeans and walked toward the red brick building. There were a cluster of people outside the bar, a mixture of customers, staff members and curious onlookers all staring at him as he went on inside.

A curvaceous woman in a short red dress with a pound of makeup on her face strutted her way toward him, flashing a flirty grin as she undressed him with her eyes.

"Hey there, sexy, for $75 a pop, I'll have you on your knees begging for more." She giggled, brushing her hand over her breast.

"I wish to speak to Naruto." Sesshomaru didn't bother looking at her, his gaze scanned the entrance of the building. When she didn't answer, he looked to see everyone was staring at him. A large man stepped beside her, nodding his head at a group of equally broad men, with black suits standing to the side of him smoking.

"Who wants to know?" said the man beside the streetwalker.

"Are you Naruto?" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at him.

The thug scoffed and cackled to the rest of his friends. "No..."

"Then it is none of your concern." Sesshomaru darted his eyes back to the entrance and took a step forward. The group of men all reached into their blazers, tightened grips over their guns as they fixed a hard stare at him. Not flinching at the sight of their weaponry, he continued to walk when one man scoffed and grabbed Sesshomaru's shoulder.

"Whoa whoa...pretty boy, where do you think you're goin'?"

Sesshomaru's gaze slowly fell to his hand then bounced back to meet his gaze with fury. Noticing a camera above the entrance door, he glowered at it, as his hand whipped toward the thug's neck, like a cobra attacking its pray, and crushed the man's larynx with his thumb. He pressed down harder, his gaze never leaving the camera as the man coughed and choked on his own saliva. The other men drew out their guns sending everyone around them to run off and hide behind cars and light poles.

"Let him go, or I'll scatta ya brains 'cross the wall!" yelled another thug.

Sesshomaru did not comply. He continued to stare at the camera with a stern and impervious glare.

One thug, pressed his earpiece against his ear, nodded and ordered a guy to open the door.

"Let him in."

Sesshomaru released the thug's throat and he struggled to breathe. Sesshomaru gracefully walked past the group of men and went inside.

"Who the fuck does he think he is! Why didn't you blow his brains?" the thug exclaimed as he coughed.

"Boss said to let him in, don't get mad at us." said the other man as he put his gun back into his jacket pocket. The others did the same.

Sesshomaru ambled in, scanning the entire bar in one shot. Corrupted cops sat at the bar as they watched the strippers dance around the poles, thugs played poker while the prostitutes were performing oral sex from underneath the tables. A tall wide-framed guy with blonde spiked hair nodded towards Sesshomaru and lead him down a dark hallway that lead to an elevator. As they reached the elevator doors, it opened. The wide-framed guy pressed the 2nd floor button and allowed Sesshomaru to go the rest of the way alone. Once he reached the second floor, he was greeted by two men that stood sentry at each side.

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