Chapter Four: Run.

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The man stood on a balcony made of granite slab. In one hand he held a glass of red liquid, and in the other a cigar. His long ebony hair was tossed in the wind, and he pressed the phone closer to his ear. “I don't care where she is, Get her back. Her absence has lost me a lot of money.” He paused to take a drag off his cigar, and blew it out a moment later. “What? Why do you act like that is My problem?” He took a sip of the red liquid, and smirked into the darkness. “ You're right. This is not my problem. It's yours. So get your ass In gear and find the Red Wolf.” With that he hung up the phone and snuffed out the cigar. He flipped his hair back and snarled into the night. “One way or another, You will be mine.” His long fangs descended until they punched the bottom of his mouth.

“Sire, Your informant is here to see you.” He turned to the small woman standing in the door way. She didn't meet his eyes out of both respect and fear, and he liked it that way. He patted her on the head as he walked past. Making his way down to the Study, there was a brown haired, honey eyed wolf waiting for him.

“What have you got for me Mr. McCollum?” He asked politely as he slipped into the high-back leather chair. The Wolf fidgeted for a moment before answering.

“My Alpha has taken her as his Mate. They are living in our Pack-house right now.” The man hissed through his fangs. The Red Wolf was his. He didn't want another Male to have their filthy paws on her. His eyes were glowing silver with the barely contained rage. The wolf was beginning to look more and more nervous.

“Well, Anything else I should know?” He was seething, and he felt kind of bad for taking it out on his informant.

“She's changing. It's odd, but everyday she opens up a little more.” The Wolf was almost whispering at this point. The man slammed his hand on the desk.

“I don't want her changed. I want my cold blooded killer.” The Wolf shrank away. Finally the man waved to a servant in the hallway. “Collect the human.” the servant nodded and rushed to do The Man's bidding. The girl from the balcony was standing in the doorway moments later.

“Yes, Sire?” The human asked. The man beckoned her into the room.

“Here is Your Mate, Mr. McCollum. Next time be more careful who's territory your paws land on.” Mr. McCollum wasn't interested in what was said. He just opened his arms and ran to his human Mate.

“Oh, Molly! You're safe. Thank the Moon Mother.” he cooed as he scooped her into his arms and ran out of the house with her. Shame she had the most delicious blood. Now onto bigger fish. His mind drifted to the Red Wolf. He had only seen her in her human form once, and it was her blood red hair, and cold dead eyes that had captured him. She had been ruthless in The arena and he had every intention of bringing her back into the fold. She could make him a lot of money, and he could also use the bed warmer. The smile on his lips quickly disappeared as his favorite servant walked in.

“Master Miles, Your dinner is here sir.” Miles stood up and went to greet the leggy blonde that was waiting. He licked his lips as he approached her and he could see her pupils dilate. Dinner would be lovely tonight.


I woke up screaming and tangled in my bedsheets, I stopped screaming long enough to fall off the bed, and try to fight my way out of the sheets. Just as I was almost free Jamison busted open the door. He looked angry and frightened. I knew my eyes were still bright from the fear that was still coursing through my body. He frowned at my predicament and came to finish untangling me from the sheets. Carrying me back to the bed he slid in beside me and pulled the sheets over us. I was as stiff as I could get from being so close to him. Eventually he fell into a deep sleep, and not being able to fight it anymore, So did I.

Before I opened my eyes, I was freaking out. There was a solid weight on top of me, and I was having trouble breathing. My eyes flew open and not being able to see a face I began to scream, and kick and fight for my life. Someone was trying to kill me! The stress from the situation caused me to shift into my Wolf and take off out of the room before my would-be assassin could catch on. I tore down the hallway, down two flights of stairs, and used the Wolf exit in the Kitchen to take me out into the foggy, dewy morning.

The sun had barely risen into the sky, and the land was hard to navigate in my panicked state. Having lost my bearings who knows how long ago I didn't notice when the path before me gave way to a cliff. I tumbled down the rocks hitting my hind-leg on the way down, and ended up on a ledge. I assessed the damage done to my body. Finding that my injured hind-leg was more then likely broken. I shifted and waited to hear if anyone called for me. There would be a search party soon right? I sighed and resigned myself to the fact that even if they did come looking for me that I had no idea how far I had ran or even if I was still in our territory. If I wasn't it could take days before permission was granted for our pack to be on someone's territory.

I started tossing rocks down into the cavern that the cliff had given way too, just to pass the time. It wasn't like there was anything else to do anyways. The whole situation made me think of the one and only time I had escaped from The Arena. When they had caught up to me a Vampire had broken my leg so I couldn't run again, and he had almost ensured my death in the ring when he had done it. But he had promised that if I lived I would know never to run from him ever again, because he owned me.

I Shuttered at the memory, but it seemed like that the one memory had opened a flood-gate of them and I became lost in the past. So much so that when help did come for me, I was screaming and crying like a caged wild animal. They had to shoot me up with tranquilizer just to get me calm enough that they could get someone on the ledge to lift me into the rescue basket. There were comments all around me from people I wasn't sure of.

“Weren't her eyes Gold?”

“Look how black they are.”

“She is some kind of freaky.”

“Wonder what happened to her?”

“So many scars.”

“Glad she's not my Mate. I couldn't handle a woman like this.”

I wanted to tell them that I had just been sedated. Not knocked out. I couldn't get the words out though. I wanted to scream at them not to judge me, that I had never asked for this. I couldn't though. And without Jamie there with me, I was escaping into my own dark mind. Where the games were brutal, and the stakes were Life itself. I could feel my remission that Jamie had helped along being taken from me. Until I was the Red Wolf in the cage again. When I got my chance I was going to tear these poor men to shreds, because if I didn't they were going to kill me. In my mind I was sure of this. My voice of reason, Jamie, was no where to be found to tell me not to fear these men.

One of them started to wrap my leg in a splint, but the further up the wrapping went the more I felt myself slipping. He's going to hurt me. I told myself to calm down, that it hurt more when I struggled. I couldn't though and soon I was screaming again, this time though words came out. In one long guttural animal cry I let out the single word. “JAMIE!” I could hear it echo in my own ears and all the hands on me froze. They knew that he would kill them if he saw their hands on me. I would kill them if I was able to get my body to cooperate. One of them smashed his hand against my mouth. I was losing my mind. They kept touching me! They were going to hurt me! They were going to pass me around when they were done hurting me! I pulled my head back and bit deep into the flesh of one male's hand.

He cried and tried to pull away but I wasn't through with him. I shook my head back and forth, causing as much damage as I could. He pulled back his hand with a large gash by his thumb. I spit his blood at him and yelled one more time good and long for Jamie. This time without any interruptions. The look in their eyes, I would never forget. They would never forgive me for my lapse of sanity. Even if I could reign myself in. They were going to make sure that when they got their chance to get even they would. That thought alone, was the one that made me memorize their faces. Their hair and eye color. And remember the faces of the men whom I was certain would take away my happiness when the time came, because I was just too damaged to be of use to their pack. I didn't blame them though.

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