Chapter Thirteen: Enemy.

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Over 550 reads. I feel like a kid at christmas! Please enjoy this chapter, just for you! Yes, You! :-) Comment and recieve a Chapter Dedication. Enjoy my lovlies! :-) XXX


So, I wasn't good at public speaking. Not just a little stutter bad, but so nervous I fell down, and rolled off the stage bad. I still had a bump two hours later. I had tried (and failed, then eventually succeeded.) to thank the Pack for their efforts to find me. Then the ceremony to accept me and my Mate as Alpha and Beta had proceeded.

I was now standing off to the corner of the huge dining Hall with Jamie beside me. His arm was wrapped around my waist bringing me as close to him as he could possibly allow. All of the Pack and friends and Allies of the Pack had gathered for the ceremony. It had been nerve wracking to deal with so many people, but with Jamie so close it had been almost easy for me.

For once in my life I wasn't trying to hide my scars. I was wearing a black dress that had pretty shimmering fabric, and no straps. My arms and legs were on display along with all of my scars in all of their gruesome glory. I thanked the hypno-therapy for helping me suppress a lot of the damage from being abducted twice. It really was nice to go to my weekly session now. I could talk about what had happened in a detached manner, and I was also learned coping abilities for my nightmares. It seemed like everything in my life that was once so askew was finally righting itself.

Jamie leaned down to my hair and nuzzled into it, as a couple walked up. One was a man and most definitely a werewolf. He had light brown hair with blonde highlights, and sapphire blue eyes. The woman beside him was hard to place. She had bone straight hair the color of a plum, and violet eyes. It was a disturbing mix. My eyes held hers as she extended her hand.

“Hello. I'm Max.” The woman said. I cocked my head to the side in curiosity but extended my hand.

“I'm Scarlette. Nice to meet you.” I replied politely. The men shook hands but I didn't stop staring at the woman. “What are you?” I asked after awhile of trying to guess. Her smile lit up her face.

“I'm a hybrid. Half Witch, Half Demon. Why do you ask?” She didn't seem insulted at all. She was proud of her bloodline, and I found myself smiling back at her.

“I'm sorry for being rude, But I was just curious. Maybe it was the hair?” we both laughed as she tossed her hair over her shoulder, she looped her arm through mine and pulled me aside, away from our Mates.

“I heard the story of what happened to you, and I'd like to offer my assistance.” She looked around and then rubbed her fingers over the palm of her hand, a substance that looked like glitter sparkled over her palm. My eyes widened at the abundance of magic, literally, at her finger tips.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked pushing a stray hair behind my ear.

“I know you didn't ask to be taken. And I can't do anything about those memories, but I can heal your scars.” I froze as her words sunk in. Did I want to get rid of the scars that marred my body deep down to my soul? Did I want to lose what little ground I had made accepting myself? I didn't know. My scars had defined my struggle.

The scars on my body were something that belonged entirely to me. I couldn't explain what had made me say it but in the end, “I don't think that;s a good idea.” Had popped out of my mouth. Max smiled brightly at me.

“I like your scars myself. They make you look fierce. And every scar has a story, no one knows that better then you.” I nodded at her in understanding. She looked over her shoulder at her own Mate and pulled up the hem of her dress. There were four marks on her thigh. Scars. “When I first met Milo, He had been a demon hunter. He didn't even realize that I was his Mate until after he had swiped at me with his paw. Then he figured it out. It wasn't a pretty time for us, but I wear it proudly now. I love him, and this scar somehow feels like something special now, because I look at it and remember the night we first met.” Her eyes were far off and dreamy.

I understood what she was saying. As bad as it was, it was a part of her. That was kind of how it was for me. Except I didn't like the people who gave me mine, and I certainly hadn't been given one by my Mate.

Max and I fell into a comfortable conversation. Everything I asked her, she answered quickly and honestly. “Why do you answer so quickly?” I cocked my head to the side. She rolled her eyes as if the explanation bored her to death.

“I cast a spell on myself, on accident mind you. Now I can't lie. Milo has been having a ball with it.” She winced inwardly apparently he hadn't liked all her honest answers. I wondered about it for a second, then decided to ask another question.

“Do you think we could be friends?” I can't remember the last time I had been close to someone. I think I wanted to take a step in that direction, and I think Max was the person to do that. She was bright and happy, and was obviously very compassionate. She could even me out. Maybe even bring me out of my shell. I think I needed her to be my friend.

She smiled kindly at me. “As long as you don't go PTSD on my ass, I think we could be awesome friends.” Her bringing up my PTSD didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Maybe it was because she wasn't try to throw it in my face, but simply remind me she would fight me back if I freaked out on her. I could deal with that. So I nodded.

Before she left my side to go mingle with Milo at her side, she had already made plans for a girls day for us this weekend. I wasn't so sure, but she was impossible to say no to. So I complied.

I made my way over to the buffet table heavily laden with so much food it was actually sagging in the middle. I grabbed a little bit of everything that looked good and made my way to a table that had a couple of female Wolves sitting there. They smiled at me, but said nothing. I shrugged and ate my food happily.

As I sat there my eyes caught on movement in the corner. I don't know what made me zero in on this particular movement, but for whatever reason, I froze. My eyes latched onto a man who was making very slow movements to where Jamie was in the corner talking to four other Wolves. I searched the room and sure enough, there were Three other men, making a move towards him. I was unsure of what this meant, but as one began running forward spurring the other two into movement, I leaped up shifting half way.

My head connected with one Mans' ribs. I didn't think twice before sinking my teeth into his thigh. He brought something hard down onto my head several times. Leaving me dizzy and unable to move. Looking up my eyes caught what he had bludgeoned me with, a Gun stock. He smirked at me, and kicked me to the side.

I tried to shake off the injury, but it left my whole world on tilt. There were Wolves and various other creatures running a muck around the whole room. Some trying to get out, some trying to assess the threat. I crawled over to the wall, slowly, but eventually making it. The whole room was sea-sawing in my vision and I was sure I was going to be sick.

I felt a hand on my back and I turned to see Max standing there. Purple orbs were surrounding her fist not making contact with me. She swung around and shot a beam of magic towards a unfamiliar wolf. He fell to the ground as his body slowly turned to stone. Thats when I noticed just how many enemy’s had started infiltrating the building. There were staggering numbers, and as I found my bearings and took my stand besides Max, I realized I had lost track of Jamie.

'Jamie?' I called through out link. He didn't respond back right away, and I held my breath.

'In the Hallway. I will get to you in second. I won't let them take you.' Looking around at the enemy wolves it occurred to me, Not one had sited me as a target. Which only left one person.

I felt the bile rising in my throat as I touched my mind with his. 'They're not after me...' I told him as I jumped toward an enemy wolf, with platinum blonde hair, Biting at his feet while Max lined up a good shot to Stone wash him. Thats what I was calling it when she turned someone to stone.

'Who are they after then?' He replied in a panic and I got the feeling he was being outnumbered quickly as his mind jumped to the right conclusion.

'You.' I told him. I turned my head back to Max, and made a follow me motion as we fought our way through the Enemy Wolves. 'Hang on Baby. I'm coming to help you.' I told him, but I had no response.

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