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  • Dedicated to Terry Anderson

I just want to say thank you again for all the reads I have gotten on the story. If you have finished it, amazing! I am sooooo happy to have had you along on the journey. The sole reason why I started this was to get it published for my grandfather to read, He has been begging me to finish a book since I was 14, and I'm 23 now so yeah, there has been a little procrastintion on my part. But the reason I have finished it is you. Yes, You. Without the feedback, without the drive from the votes and reads I recieved I would have never finished this. Now I'm sure your ready to read the epilouge but I just want you to know, that I don't believe in long epilouges. Their more of a reassurance that things have turned out the way they are supposed to. I also want you to know that unless I recieve a lot of requests for a sequel, there will not be one. So This is the End of this story. (maybe.) and I hope you enjoy it. Because I do!! XXX


A little girl with plum colored hair, and a little boy with blonde hair were playing in the huge garden. Their Mothers watchful eyes keeping them in their sight at all times.

Max smiled at her Daughter before turning back to Letti. “So where is Jamie?”

Letti leaned back, her heavily pregnant abdomen sticking out in stark contrast. “He had to go rescue Milo. Apparently the South Raven Pack is having issues with our expanding territory. I'm not to worried about it though.” She patted her stomach and smiled over to her son. “Ian, Play nicely! Rosie isn't made out of rubber!”

Max had to laugh because at that moment Rosie had apparently thought that being rubber was a great idea, and her arm turned mushy and elastic. Letti rolled her eyes and looked back at Max. “Shes a smart-ass just like you.”

“Better to be a smart-ass then a dumb-ass.” Max shrugged taking a sip of her lemonade. Just then a little girl with red hair and blue-green eyes walked out of the house. She had a huge gray and white wolf walking beside her.

“Hi Mommy! Hi Auntie Max!” She called as she ran to them and plopped down on the rocking patio couch next to Letti.

“Hello there yourself Miss Diane.” She smirked and leaned down to rub noses with her daughter. Ian's twin.

“When's Daddy getting home? He promised he would take us camping this weekend.” She crossed her arms, suddenly pouty. Letti rolled her eyes at Max, and she giggled in turn.

“Your Daddy is busy little Miss. He will be home soon enough, why don't you go play with Rosie and Ian?”

“Why? They only like to play with each other. If they don't turn out Mate's I will be shocked.” She huffed. Max and Letti shared a look for a second. They had already figured that one out. They hadn't expected Diane to though. That girl was a lot smarter then she looked sometimes. Must take after her Mother, because her Father was a little too ditzy to pass for Alpha some day's.

“Fine then. Don't go play. You can sit here and listen to us talk about how your Daddy kisses.” Diane cringed and stood up abruptly.

“Rosie, Ian! Wanna play tag?” She called as she ran over to where they were playing.

Max stared at Letti for a moment, the four long scars that had once been so prominent had almost completely faded now. It was almost like they never were. Looking at Letti you would swear that nothing so horrific had ever happened to her, but here she is. Healthy, Happy, Pregnant, and Full of so much life.

Max hadn't had such an easy life either. Letti, Milo, and Rosie were honestly the best things that had ever happened to her. She couldn't ask for a better best friend to share her ups and downs with. And She couldn't wait until she got to meet their newest little ones. Yes, More Twins. Two Boys this time from the looks of the ultrasounds.

Life was just so interesting around Letti. Never a dull moment.

And that was just Alright.

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