Chapter Nine: Revenge.

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  • Dedicated to Charlotte Hutchinson

Hey! Oh emm gee, over 200 reads, A-maze-ing! You guys are so awesome. My Mom's surgery went well and she is doing great! SO HERE!! Have a Chapter!! XX


One Month, Seven days, Twelve hours, and Thirty-two minutes. Thats how long I had been back in this hell-hole. There was a clock tick-tocking me to insanity just outside my cell. My wavy blood red hair hung down the side of my face. I was just staring at the clock's face wasting away my life. I clenched and unclenched my hands, they were covered in cuts, my arms in bruises. Hell my whole body was covered in cuts, lacerations, stitches, and bruises. What was I complaining about?

As the minute hand found its way to twelve, and the hour hand to one, foot-steps sounded down the stone hall. I laughed humorlessly. “Can't keep me waiting now can we?” I hollered as Another familiar face from my new pack surfaced. Liam James, The Beta. His face crooked into a cruel smile.

“Sorry Princess. You know the rules. We can only have fun with you every twenty-four hours so we don't do permanent damage.” I rolled my eyes. Since when did they care? He yanked me up by my hair, and grabbed my chain. He pulled me along. I didn't fight anymore. I was doing more harm to myself then to them. He led me down the stone hall the way he had came, there were a couple more cells filled up now on my side. That meant that these we're special fighters. Shockingly these were better accommodations then what the new arrivals got.

Down a flight of stairs, to the second door on the left was the room. In the middle was an old electric chair, that I can promise you still had enough juice to hurt, but not enough to kill. Thank the Moon Mother. Along the whole wall on one side was a table. It was heavily laden with all sorts of different instruments of pain and punishment. I didn't try to look to closely at the ones that were still dark with blood. I'm sure I would be seeing them soon enough.

I was hoisted into the electric chair by my hair. Liam fastened the arm and leg, and waist cinches. He immediately began to smile at me in such a sick way I felt my stomach clench. Whatever that had planned for me today was not going to be pretty, but I am sure I could survive it. I had with everything else they had thrown at me.

I was missing part of my ear, I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to have feeling in my left hand again, and I was slowly losing my vision in my left eye. I think they popped a blood vessel in my left eye causing blood to put pressure on my optic nerve. I had heard of it happening before. I prayed it went away. There was a chunk of flesh missing out of my upper thigh and a bite taken out of my waist. I wasn't entirely sure, but I think my foot was fractured in several places. Either that or the bone was bruised. I wasn't sure which. I thought they were done with their torture for today when the Vampire walked in.

He smiled as my fresh injuries registered. “Well, How are we doing today?” He asked Liam and not me.

“She's starting to show an aversion to both his name and face.” Liam smiled and walked over to me like I was a prized possession. He showed me a picture of a man with blonde hair and green-blue eyes, I shrunk away from it as I felt volts of electricity starting to lick up my injured body. He leaned in closer and said, “Jamie.” I thrashed as the voltage caused me to shriek in agony. I don't remember this man, but I know he causes me pain for some reason. I didn't want to see his face or hear his name ever again!

The Vampire laughed excitedly. “This is excellent news. Soon she won't even have the desire to return to her Pack.” he cackled. My head rose just a little, as it was the only stregnth I could muster.

“I'm going to kill you.” I spoke the words in such a low tone, but with so much venom that the Vampire recoiled, fear flashing in his eyes for only a moment before being replaced with the same smugness as before.

“If you can get to me, Baby. You can try.” He smirked and just like that he walked out of the room. I let my head fall back to my bare heaving chest. I was in so much pain. How could one body be alive with this much pain? I whimpered. All I wanted to do was curl up in my cell and wait until tomorrow.

They unhooked me from the electric chair and drug me up the stairs and down the hall. Adding scull fracture to the list of my injuries. When they put me in my cell they slipped the collar back onto me forcing me to shift. It sounded nice, and it would speed up my healing process considerably if given time, but they would be back tomorrow.

I closed my eyes as I watched the shoes walk away from me. To exhausted. To distraught, in too much pain to even try to put up a fight anymore. What was the point? It's not like I had a Mate that loved me and wanted to bring me home. He had abandoned me. I wish I could remember his face. I guess too much mental trauma will do that to you. I sighed and tried to get comfortable. Well, as comfortable as stone and straw can make you I suppose.

I drifted off to sleep, and I had a dream. I was in arms that loved me. Arms that would kill for me and protect me. Who would lay their kill at my feet, in my honor. I was with a Wolf, whom I was certain had my heart as sure as I had his. It was such a lovely dream. Maybe someday I would be worthy of something such as the love I payed witness to in my dream. Someday. I told myself.


I had lost my connection with her. Our bond had been totally severed about two weeks ago. It was usually a sign that a Mate had died. I had walked around an empty shell for days. I was certain that she was either dead or they were keeping her very close to it. I walked around the perimeter of the huge stone fortress we were checking out. I knew this wasn't it though because it didn't have a lake. I couldn't pull up all the properties based on whither or not they had a lake. I could though based on if there was underground dwellings.

Mr. Miles Morgan had a lot more dwellings with underground rooms then I would have guessed though. When you're a Vampire being underground was important. They could go out in the day, but when they did sleep it had to be underground. I don't know why, I couldn't tell you. All I know was that was just the way things worked for the dark and fanged.

I sighed and walked back to my escalade. Hopping in I glanced at the picture Letti and I had made in a photo booth one day at the mall. She was smiling, when she smiled I didn't even notice the scar on her cheek. Of course I couldn't really see half the scars on her body. I wouldn't look at her any differently then I would look at a person with cancer. She was a survivor. She was kindness, strength, and beauty.

Not that stupid outer beauty either, of course there was that. I'm talking about inner beauty. The beauty that radiates from a good heart, from the inside out. She had such a tough exterior that it was hard to notice the other things, but inside she was fragile and strong at the same time. She was my whole world, and right now my world was burning to the ground without her.

I started to drive back to the house. When I got there I noticed my Beta Liam standing and talking to my father. He was shaking his head. As I walked up to him I noticed a distinct scent wafting around him. I sifted through them quickly. Musty smell of underground, Stone dust, metal and the coppery scent of blood.

Her Blood.

I felt my blood run cold. Before I could react I had Liam's throat in my hand and his body slammed onto the wall. “You know where she is. Her blood is on you!” I spat at him. Shock, anger, guilt, then finally pure pleasure.

“I do know where she is. And you will never find her, because I will never tell you. She hates you now.” He laughed, but it was quickly cut off as I crushed his windpipe. His cold black eyes looked deep into mine. “Remember the female rouge? With the blonde hair, and the red eyes?” I was confused but I remembered so I nodded my head. “She was my Mate. I realised that. Right... Killed. Her.” He said it with reserves of his last breath. “Now... I have... taken... yours.” He said with his final breath.

If I had known she was his mate I would have never killed her. He knew that. He had known Letti was mine though and he had taken her and spilled her blood out of pure hate and revenge. A innocent Wolf. My Mate. Was suffering because of something I had done. If I had never done anything to him he would never have hurt her. He would have never taken her blood. I let his lifeless corpse fall to the floor, and for good measure I stomped onto his skull. Bringing finality to the crime he had committed. How would I ever find her? She might be dead by now.

All. My. Fault.

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