Chapter Ten: Numb

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Hi! Well, here is chapter ten, its pretty much filler. But I decided to post it anyways because it does have some important parts. Some of you have been waiting for this chaper. I hope you enjoy it. This story will probably be wrapping up soon. It is supposed to be a short story after all. :-) XX


My eyes opened abruptly. Something was wrong. I hobbled onto my feet and quickly expelled all the meager contents of my stomach. I whimpered in my wolf form which is all I could really do. I laid my head on my paws and took deep breaths waiting for the churning in my stomach to calm. Had they poisoned my foot again? I harrumphed at the thought. They shouldn't treat people this way. We felt pain and we're just as much alive as they were.

For some reason my head didn't feel so cloudy today, even though it had started roughly. I brief flash of a blonde haired man caught my attention. Why was I thinking about him? I shook it off and tried to go back to sleep. Before I closed my eyes again I checked the clock. Almost noon. Well they would be coming for me soon, so I might as well get some of my strength back. I laid my head back on my paw and drifted back to sleep.

I was almost completely healed now. I had done nothing but sleep since I was brought back to my cell yesterday. I let my mind wander to this and that, but didn't try to dwell on things that would cause me pain if they were brought into closer examination. Just as my mind landed on a bed of purple and white forget-me-nots I head rushed foot-steps flying past me. What on earth?

Just as I was about to go see what had occurred at my cell door, they all opened. I slapped at my eyes with my paws a couple times but no, The door was still open. I charged at the door as fast as I could, but all I ended up door was choking myself. I tried again, kicking off the back wall and running at top speed to the door. I felt the bolts shutter.

Just as I was about to give it one more go, a large man with an ax stood in the door-way. I shrunk back upon seeing the scars that marked his body. Then I realized. He was a forced fighter as well. In one swift motion he had the chain broke and hurried out of my cell to the next one.

I took flight. All of the doors were left ajar in the underground compound. It was more then easy to escape from there and up to the main house. I followed the familiar scent up to the top floor and down the hall. A huge mahogany door loomed before me, and I braced myself as I used my body as a battering ram. The door's lock buckled under the pressure and I was allowed entrance.

His silver eyes were shocked to see me, he quickly rose from his seat just as I launched myself onto him. Not even a millisecond was given for him to use her superior speed, and the surprise left him weaker from the unexpected attack. I bit deep into his neck and tossed my head from side to side. He threw me from him.

“You little bitch!” he cried as he was at me in an instant with his hand around my throat, as well as he could manage with my metal collar hindering him. Ironic that the device he had put on me was making him unable to choke me properly. I kicked and slashed at him with my hind and fore legs. He reared back his head and sunk his fangs into me as properly as he could. The pulls of my blood were hurting him as much as he was hurting me though.

Vampire venom can kill us, but our blood will do them the same turn. He grip weakened with every pull from my vein, and eventually it slipped. He crashed to the floor with me. His breathing was gurgled and shallow. I loomed over him and fear flashed In those evil silver eyes. I made his death quick even though he didn't deserve it. I bit and tore hunks out of his face before finishing the job on his neck. As he was drawing his last breath I turned away.

Just as I faced the door I felt the searing burn of silver cut through me. I yelped and spun to snap his neck for good measure before I noticed the silver dagger buried into my back. Oh that explains it. I thought just as my body collapsed from the combination of exhaustion, venom, and silver. Just before my eyes close I looked up to the heavens and asked the Moon Mother to take me. Just please end my suffering here. I begged and pleaded as blackness engulfed my vision.

If this was the promised After-lands then I wanted a refund. It looked a lot like a standard bedroom. I turned my head to see a picture of myself as a child and my mother on the nightstand staring back at me. “Wha..?” I asked to no one since I was alone. How was I alive? My stomach was itchy and I didn't know why, I pulled up my shirt to see a neat line of stitches just under my hip. Well that’s weird. The itchiness continued throughout various parts of my body. I noticed someone had applied a special balm to the chunks of my missing flesh. Smelled like the work of a powerful witch. Whoever she was she had better be getting paid some good money for a healing spell like this. I finally had enough of my own thoughts and fell asleep. It was safer and made more sense then all of this did right now.

“Do you think she will wake up?” One voice asked. It sounded angry. Angry Voice.

“Of course she will, her wounds were great, and the barriers in her mind were many. When she awakes she will be confused as to who you are. Its obvious she was tortured extensively.” This voice was female, and soothing to my ears. She sounded lovely.

“What if she never forgives me for allowing that god forsaken Vampire to take her?” Angry voice sounded sad now. He really needed to make up his mind about how he was feeling. His voice made me want to cry though for some reason.

“You did not allow he. He took her. You did not turn her over. Stop blaming yourself for the darkness in this world. That is far to great a burden for you to handle, Jamison.” She had called him Jamison. That was a beautiful name. I loved it instantly. “She is waking.” The Lovely voice told Jamison.

I opened my eyes and they fluttered around the room. The man before me was the man in the pictures they had shown me many times. I felt my hands fly to my bedsheets and pull them up to my neck. “Go away.” I told him. His eyes looked so very sad at those two words. I was afraid of being hurt though. Every time I had seen his face they had hurt me twice as bad as normal. It brought tears to my eyes. The man held his hands up.

“I'm sorry Letti.” He whispered to me. I froze at the name and snapped my head to look at him, to really look at him.

“Who are you? Why are you calling me that?” A tear escaped his eyes. He dropped to his knees then like he had been shot, and then I was really confused when he turned his neck to the side revealing a delicate set of teeth marks. His Mated mark. He pointed to my neck, My fingers ran up the side of my neck until I came into contact with a matching set of teeth. Mates? I questioned. How? I don't remember ever meeting this man, How on earth can we be Mates?

“I would like you to go now.” He looked like he was about to protest, but I couldn't handle much more stress. “I said get the hell out. You may think you know me, but I do not know you, and I am certainly not mated to you! Fuck off!” I growled at him. He got to his feet and his sad blue-green eyes met mine for a brief second.

“I'm sorry. I will give you what you want, but only because I love you.” He almost-whispered to me.

The woman with the lovely voice stood still in the corner. Her hair was so bright it was white, and her deep blue eyes were something to behold. She wore a white dress, against her creamy skin. It looked nice but all the white made her look like a cloud. I giggled at the thought. She strode over to the bed I was laying on.

“You have had some powerful spells placed on your mind, dear one. Not to mention that your PTSD is probably forcing you to keep all of your happy memories locked up. But we will help you. I promise.” she said to me as she walked out of the room.

I tried not to think about anything that had happened recently. I couldn't stop myself though. I didn't know how to feel or what to think. I think I was in shock. Maybe I could put the Arena behind me, now that the Vampire was dead. I didn't know.

A woman came in to talk to me after a couple of hours. She said she was my therapist and that I had spoken to her a long time ago after I had come out of the Arena for the first time. She asked if I wanted to talk, and all I could do was look at her like she had grown another head. Then I snapped out of it.

“What harm could it do?” I asked her. Her warm smile made the dam break open, and I told her everything I could remember. She listened and didn't say a peep to me. At certain parts she cried for me. For me. A scarred red wolf. Was this kindness or pity? I didn't think about the answer. 

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