Chapter Fourteen: Dad.

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So, I decided to post this chapter because I had the time to. And It's not the last chapter. Next chapter will be the Last. Then there is the epilouge. This chapter isn't very long, but it's meant to tie up loose ends. Anyways I hope you like it. Please Vote, and if you comment I will dedicate a chapter to you! XXX


Someone had cut the power. I had to keep Max close to me so I didn't have to worry about her. She held onto my tail as my superior night vision led us down the darkened hallway. It was as if they hit the mute button when they cut the power. Silence was almost deafening to my ears. I could only Hear Max breathing heavily, I wanted to ask her if she had the ability to create light like Harry Potter did, but I didn't think it would go over well right now. Not to mention Wolves lack the correct vocal cords to strike up a conversation. I wasn't going to sacrifice my ability to see in the dark because I was curious about The Boy Who Lived.

She tugged on my tail and I turned to look at her, she pointed to a doorway that cast buttery light onto the floor runner down the hallway on the left. I nodded at her and we began out quiet, slow decent down the hall. The closer we got I could begin to hear whispers. The scents coming from under the door were hard to distinguish since familiar wolves had occupied this room earlier today. I head Max mutter something in Latin before the door burst into splinters.

We both jumped into the room that was filled with Enemy wolves, along with Jamie and Milo tied up and unconscious in the corner. I growled through my teeth until my eyes landed on someone I never expected to see. Shifting quickly I stared at the man with curiosity and disbelief.


He turned to me with pure hate in his eyes. “What do you want, Bitch? Can't you see I'm trying to kill your Mate?” My heart stopped, and I couldn't seem to make it beat again.

“Why?” I asked not sure how I still had the ability to speak.

He turned to his Wolves and mocked my high pitched voice, “She wants to know 'why?' Why would I ever try to hurt my Daughter?” The Wolves in their human forms chuckled.

I could feel Max take a closer step to me. My arms and legs were tingling, but I knew it was Max casting some sort of spell. I waited in anticipation as my own Father turned to me with pure Hate in his eyes.

“You are the reason she is dead. Do You honestly think I would have let anyone near my territory I didn't know about?” I was confused at his statement but only for a moment.

“You knew they were going to take me.” My voice registered pure hurt and shock.

“I knew. HA! I'm the one who was turning a profit from you being in the Arena. I wanted you to suffer. My Mate wouldn't be dead right now if it wasn't for you. Why should I ever allow you happiness? Lucky for me Master Miles just happened to take a liking to you enough to want you back when I offered him a way.” His eyes bore into mine.

I felt a single tear betray my feelings. My father cringed in disgust. He walked forward his his hand raised to hit me. On the downward motion I closed my eyes, prepared to take it, because I believed him. I had been the one to cause my Mothers Death. The walk in the woods that day had been my idea. As soon as his hand connected he reeled back in a horrifying scream, The skin on his hand was bubbling as if he had been burned.

I turned my head to see Max looking pissed off and determined. “Take that you sick fuck.” She smirked. My Fathers head snapped in her direction, and Thats when all Hell broke loose.

Five Wolves reigned down on me. Unfortunately for them, and oh-so-lucky for me, Max had cast her spell on both of us, so when they tried to grab her and me. Well lets just say, 'Double, Double, Cauldron Bubble.' they were burned so badly from trying to hang onto us I actually saw a piece of steaming flesh fall off a Wolf's bones. My Father cleared his throat and I froze along with everyone around me.

He had a knife to Jamie’s' throat, and Jamie’s' eyes were starting to flutter as he regained consciousness. “Here.” He tossed me a gun and smiled. “Put that in your mouth or I slit his throat.” His face gave nothing away. I couldn't tell if he was bluffing or if he really intended to kill my Mate. Based on the things he had confessed I would put money on the latter.

I snatched up the gun and put it to my mouth. “Good Girl. Now I want you to pull the trigger.” My blood ran cold, my body shook, and I felt the tears cascade down my face.

“Why are you doing this? Haven't I paid enough?” I asked begging him to give me a reason, any reason at all as to why I should pay more then my share.

“Please. You will have paid enough the day you stop breathing. Hopefully that day is today.” He pressed the knife so close to Jamie’s' throat that a bead of blood slipped down his neck. That was the time when He decided to join us in the realm of the living. The same place where I hoped to stay awhile longer.

“Do it Bitch! Or he gets the closest shave of his life!” He grabbed a handful of Jamie's hair and yanked it back. Eliciting a rumbling growl from Jamie.

I sobbed harder. My hands were shaking so bad and my vision was so blurry, but I looked at Jamie's beautiful face once more. How big and beautiful his blue-green eyes were, like the Caribbean water. How his hair was getting long enough to cover the scar on his forehead. The shape of his face, all the way down his taunt and toned body. Every cell of his being held every cell of mine. For him, I would die. For him... I could do this.

I hiccuped and flipped the safety of the gun off. Oh How I wish that my life had been different. Maybe in another life I would have a loving Mother and Father I got to stay with all of my life. Maybe I would find a man who loved me just as much as Jamie did, for I didn't believe anyone could love me more. Maybe I could have time to develop a true friendship with someone like Max. Maybe I could have children to raise and love, and who would walk by me hand-in-hand and we would fall into a bed of forget-me-nots.



Maybe Someday I would do the right things, and stop letting the world revolve around me and my problems, and accept my flaws. Let the man who loves me, love me! Stop running from something so beautiful that I was certain I could be happy if I only gave it a chance from the beginning instead of having to wait until this very moment to decide that my life was worth living for, only to have to throw it away to a vicious man who should have only loved me and wanted that happiness for me.

I lifted the gun and put it in my mouth.

The whole room was quiet.

I squeezed my eyes shut...

Then the let the round explode from the Gun, as the shell was ejected.

Then I fell...

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