Chapter Seven: Fight

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Oh Wow! Thank you to everyone who has been reading. The comments and the votes are amazing. Thank you so much! Please enjoy this chapter I try to update everyday if I can. P.S if I can get Five comments then I will update again today, and Do You want a chapter in Jamie's point of View? Or should I stick to Scarlette? :-) THANK YOU!!!!! XX


I was hit by a truck. Or so I felt like. I opened my eyes, and my worst fears were confirmed. I was chained to the wall, my arms in an uncomfortable position were thrust upward because the chains weren't long enough. There were shackles and chains attached to my ankles as well. Not like I was going to try to move though, I was pretty sure that a couple of my ribs were broken, and my face hurt so bad it brought tears to my eyes. I wasn't really concerned about the scraps and bruises on the rest of my body, They would heal.

The sound of foot-steps of approaching brought my head up. The Vampire was looking at me curiously. “My Name is Miles, and I would like to welcome you to my dungeon.” He laughed as he put the key in the lock and walked in. “I have big plans for you my dear, but tonight? You fight.” I felt the unshed tears pool in my eyes. I wasn't going to let him see how much he hurt me. I would die in the Arena before I let him see how he had hurt me. He walked over to me and grabbed my chin painfully, and forced me to look into his eyes.

“After that, the real fun begins.” He bellowed a laugh right in my face and I cringed away from his canines. “Because after that you're going to pay for your disobedience.” His hissed through his teeth and snapped them together close to my neck. “So enjoy your solitude. For now.” He smirked at me and pulled out the collar and snapped it around my neck. He unlocked my shackles as I was forced into my Wolf. I curled up on the cold stone floor, and hoped for the best while expecting the worst.

What felt like days later I heard foot-steps again, and a man who I had recognized from my time here before stood before me. It was Markus. How Had I not noticed it before? Probably because I was caught up in the thought of a surprise from my Mate. At the thought a surge of electricity coursed through my body and made me howl. It didn't stop for over a minute and when it did I could see the steam rising up from my fur. Was he going to do this every time I thought of Jamie? Another surge wracked my body and made me clench my teeth together until my gums bled.

I crumpled into a heap and tried to think of anything else. My body was still twitching from the after effects. When it subsided I tried to rid my mouth of the blood, and I turned to Markus. He was watching with open interest. “Every time you think of your Mate that will happen. Master Miles doesn’t like the thought of you having a Mate, and believes you are his. So watch your thoughts. They are more dangerous then you think.” He grabbed my chain while I was too weak to fight back and pulled me toward the Arena's loading dock. He unchained me but left my collar on and pushed me into a small elevator. It began to rise and I watched the look on Markus's face, No sign of remorse passed over his cold brown eyes.

The elevator door opened up and a presser plate pushed me from the elevator onto the dirt floor of the Arena. Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, And various other creature hooped and hollered at the sight of me. I tried to find my unsteady feet. I rose onto them and tried to steady myself. I was shaking and my muscles were objecting to my weight. By the time My opponent had entered the ring I was able to stand but not much else. I cringed at the hulking mass of wolf. He was gray with ice blue eyes and hints of white in his coat. He was huge, and had apparent muscles bulging in his wolf form.

I searched his stance for any sort of weakness, the only thing I could find was that he seemed to favor his right hind-leg. Which meant he had tried to escape. I felt a wave of sympathy pass over me. He wasn't in here to repay a debt, he had been abducted like I had. He might have a mate or a family, or a whole pack waiting for his return home. I tried to fight the feeling back. Just because he was forced here didn't mean he wasn't going to fight me for his life. I swallowed the sympathy just as the air-horn sounded to begin.

He took off toward me in a flash and I braced myself for impact. His head hit my side and sent me flying into the stone wall of the Arena. I felt my skull collide with the wall, and it put the world on tilt. I quickly found my feet and thanked the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I turned just in time to dodge the snapping of his jaws, I sunk my teeth into his injured left hind-leg. He howled and bit into the flesh of my back. I growled and bit into the bone of his leg, When I felt the snap I danced away.

He had taken the fur and flesh of my back and I could see blood dripping from the mass of it in his mouth. I didn't let myself think about it and shut out the part of my brain that was saying we were hurt. This Gray wolf didn't have that ability yet, apparently. He was whimpering, which meant he was new. You don't think about the pain until later or it becomes a weakness. He attempted to lunge for me again, but I danced out of his way. He may be bigger, but I was a lot more agile. My teeth found purchase around his right hind-leg and I gnashed my teeth together in a series of violent bites trying to get the bone to break.

He turned and bit onto my face. I howled as I felt the pain shoot through me. I slashed at his face with my paw and when he was officially blinded I went for the kill shot before he could do more damage to me. His teeth released my mutilated face when he died. The air-horn went off and I hobbled over to the elevator. This was murder. His death would weigh on my conscience for a long time. The desperation in his eyes had been just like mine. I threw up as the elevator started to go down. I made myself remember what he looked like, So I could let his family know to bury him. Even if they hated me.

The elevator opened and I was immediately shot with sedative. My legs gave out and the chain was put back on me. I sighed. I was dragged by my throat down to the medic. You learn to just hold your breath and its not that bad. I medic put me in a different collar and allowed the other to be unchained. It was easier to doctor a human then a Wolf. I sighed as he cleaned and started to stitch my cheek, and my back. It was cleaned again and bandages were applied. I would heal faster in my Wolf form, but I wouldn't be able to for days.

On the plus side, no one wanted to pass around a winner with a messed up face, and who was leaking blood. So I didn't have to worry about that tonight. They took me back to my cell and chained me back up in the shackles meant for humans, I noticed they were new and had been replaced while I was in the Arena. I shrugged and tried to get my naked body comfortable on the stone floor. Without any fur or blankets I was unbearably cold. I could feel my teeth start to chatter.

A long while later I watched the Vampire come into my cell. I refused to give him a name. Someone as evil as he was didn't deserve a name. He tossed a blanket over me and looked at my face for a long time.

“No one will ever love you looking like that.” His face was beaming with excitement. I shrugged as much as I could with my arms dangling in the air. I didn't care right now. I was in too much pain, and far too cold to worry about such things. I would mull it over later. He ran his fingers over my stitches and laughed. “Your Mate will refuse you when you return. You will always be mine, in this way. Always.” He roughly grabbed my chin his nails digging into the already tortured flesh there. He brought his lips to mine.

I tried to fight, to kick. To take a piece out of him. He was far strong then I was and I was chained as well. I thought of Jamie. The electricity coursed through me and by extension, him. Since he was touching me. He yanked back quickly and sat and watched as my body twitched and spazzed out from the force. His smile grew wider as I slumped to the side. My body had been broken, then tore, and now electrocuted. I couldn't attempt to describe what wrenching agony my body was in. I just knew That this time, I wasn't going to make it out of here.

This place was going to be my grave. My body would be piled up with countless others and burned. My Family, My pack, and Him. They would never know what happened to me. They would continue to look for me, If they were. I would never be properly put to rest. My grave would be among many, countless others who had forcefully given their life in the Arena. I would just be another death.

The tears began and they didn't stop for a long time, until my eyes were swollen shut. Then the only sound that could be heard through the cold stone hallways was my agonizing sobs, that echoed back to me, mockingly. They were the only sound I could hear.

I didn't know when Miles left, or when I went to sleep from pure exhaustion. All I knew was that whatever awaited me in the morning, would break me again. Would tear apart my humanity and leave me broken all over again. Why wasn't I allowed to be loved? To have happiness? Was I unworthy? These were the questions that haunted me in my sleep. These would be the questions that I would take to my grave. Why Me?

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