Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

~Larissa POV~

Once Ashton was off the net, he noticed me and walked over to stand next to me.

"Wasn't that just exciting?!" I said probably to excited to him. Its the Amity coming out in me probably.

"Uhh..." Ashton said, looking like he is still trying to process what happened. I just laughed.

We waited in silence as the rest of the screaming initiatives jumped down. Once everyone was standing in a half circle waiting for someone to talk, I took in who all was around me.

There was only one other transfer, a boy from Eridute. Then there was six Dauntless borns, three boys and three girls.

Over in the corner there were two older boys and an older girl standing there staring at us, my guess would be there are also trainers.

While I was noticing my surroundings, I heard something hit the net and quickly jerked my head to see that it was only the lady from the top, Tris.

The other guy, Tobias, helped Tris down. He lifted her up and set her on her feet and kissed the top of her head. Thats when I noticed the rings.

They are married.

Before I could think anymore of this, Tobias spoke.

"You already know who I am, my name is Tobias, but you will call me Four like everyone else in Dauntless does. Just thought you should know my real name. This is Tris," he said gesturing to her standing next to him with his arm around her.

"As some of you may have noticed, Tris is my wife, so back off" He said smirking.

Now gesturing to the corner Four said, "That loser over there is Zeke, he is also a trainer." Zeke just smiled at what he said while slightly waving over towards us.

"Then thats Uriah and Christina, they are also trainers." Tris added on. From what it looks like, Uriah and Christina are a couple.

"This year Four and I will be training the transfers, and they will be training the borns." Tris said while gesturing over to the corner in the end.

"Although because of such low numbers of transfers, we might combine sometime throughout training." Four added on.

"Well, lets begin the tour already." Zeke said impatiently.


We finished the tour in our dorms, and since there were only three transfers, we stayed in the same dorm as the borns.

We were told to get changed into Dauntless clothes, and then us transfers would properly dispose of our old clothes, whatever that meant.

I chose to wear black leggings with black combat boots and a black tank top, it seemed to be the most comfortable.

I followed everyone out carrying my old Amity clothes under my arms. We walked down a halfway entering into a doorway.

I now know what "properly dispose" meant. We were gonna burn them.

I slowly made my way to the burner, hesitant at first.

Quickly then, I threw my clothes before I had second thoughts. I started to walk down the hallway when I reached a room that seemed to be like a training room.

This must be where we train, I thought. I noticed a board with all our named and numbers next to our named. I guess I looked confused because Christina smiled and said,

"This board shows your rank in Dauntless. You will not get cut because of your rank, but at the end when we are picking jobs, you want to be as high as possible to ensure a good job."

Get cut? We can get cut in training? This can't be good, I've never fought a day in my life, I thought getting worried.

"You can't get cut from your position on the board, but you can get cut." Zeke said. "You can get cut by failing out which is just totally sucking and not being able to do anything. You can get kicked out for not listening. Or you can choose to leave yourself." He added.

After this eye opening discovery that I could possibly get cut, Uriah explained that this is the training room and he showed us around.

I could already tell that if I was going to become a Dauntless member, that this would be tough.

"Now go. Go explore, go eat, go sleep, we don't care what you do just don't leave the facility. Be in here by 8:00am sharp tomorrow. Don't be late for your first day of training." Four said.

"Go!" This time he almost shouted as no one moved.

I quickly scrambled out of the room as sudden terror filled me.

I decided to go back to the dorms and just sleep trying to prepare myself as much as possible for the next day to come.
Sorry I know that this wasn't an interesting chapter... just a filler. Trying to update more so here you go. Thanks!!
~Hannah 😝

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