Chapter 5: Hitting the Ski Trails

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<------ thanks for voting!! (thank you runfree for that idea!! Hope you don't mind my copying...:/) 

Dedicated to theamarx for fanning!!!

"Everyone grab a partner. We want this to be a safe trip, meaning no injuries, no getting lost and no splitting up." Mr. Lowe's booming voice sailed over my class. I turned stiffly to look for Manda, scanning the crowds of people in helmets and hats that weaved in front of the ticket booths.

I finally spotted her next to the lockers, trying to attach her skis to her boots. She stepped into one of them, only to have it slide out from underneath her. She fell back onto the snow, throwing her head back and groaned. I couldn't help but laugh. Anyone could see it was her first time sking.

A arm snaked it's way around my purple coat covered waist and I stiffened.

"Wanna be partners?" a sickly voice murmured in my ear and I couldn't help but shudder. I twisted in the noose like grip to face Collin's roommate, Tyler. My breath caught in my throat and my teenage hormones took over, countering my immortal cursed genes. I mean, when a guy worthy of beating Jupiter in a beauty contest is holding you pressed against him, you forget who you are and what your standards are. I snapped out of it, realizing that I was staring and smirked back. I pulled back away from him and casually stuck my hand in my coat pocket, touching a satin bag. My eyebrows knit together as I tried to force it's energy into my brain so I could know what it was and why it was in my pocket.

"You do know you're drooling right?" I snapped my mouth shut and glared at him, secretly holding back a smile. Reason? I had just found my new secret weapon.


"What should our first run be?" Tyler asked excitedly.

Let's stay with Collin and Heidi; I thought in his brain. Tyler's eyes glazed over and I knew that my mothers ancestral power was working. I hid a smile. Sirens, got to love 'em.

"I know!" Tyler said, as if he had an epiphany, "Let's stay with Collin and Heidi." He immediately pulled out his iPhone and texted Collin. I rolled my eyes and amused myself by thinking how I would spend the surprise that I had found hidden in my pocket. Whatever I was going to use it for it was going to be good. You don't get a chance like this every day.

"Collin said that it sounded fine by him." Tyler's annoying voice pulled me out of my thoughts. Sure, he was hot and all, but I knew that I could never actually like him. Heck, I was never going to like anyone anyway so why was I thinking these human thoughts?!

"Does that sound good to you?" his voice squeaked, interrupting my mind ramble.

I bit my tongue from saying something snarky like "Where's the mouse?" and just settled for, "Yes."

I was so happy to get of the chair lift at the top of the hill that I lost my balance and "accidentally" pushed Tyler into the snow.

"Oops! Sorry!" I apologized before moving away. I had been sad when Manda told me that she was going to take a lesson and ditch me, but that was before I saw her ski. Let's just say I was happy to not be with her at the moment.

"Its okay," Collin grunted, pushing himself up with his ski pole. He righted himself before pulling out his phone again and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. The guy never stopped texting. I saw Collin and Heidi get off the ski lift and come up behind us; Collin and Tyler never stopping their moving thumbs. I gave in. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Hey you guys!" I yelled, hoping to get Tyler to stop texting. He grunted in response but continued to text. I sighed and focused on Heidi and Collin. Based by the way they kept careful distances away from each other and the occasional glare shot at and ignored by Collin, I could safely guess that there was trouble in player couples land.  

Perfect, I thought evilly, rubbing my hands together, feeling very mad scientist-y at the moment.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Heidi asked emphasizing each word and looking as if she couldn't believe that the two of us were related.

I glanced up innocently, the perfect picture of an angel. "Nothing." I sang. "Are we going or not?" My tone changing as I glared down Collin and Tyler. They looked up, annoyed, and quickly put their phones away, seeing my face. I smirked, dug my poles into the snow and raced down the hill.

Something about sking made me feel alive. Maybe it was the feeling of the wind lifting and twirling my hair or the sharp sting as it hit my face. Perhaps it was just the feeling of zooming down the steep hills, making small turns here and there. But whatever it was I wasn't going to be feeling it today.


Picture this: A tiny, very flat hill, so flat that it shouldn't be called a hill, more like a valley. At the top of this "valley" a big strong, muscular hot guy who could probably take down a full line of foot ball players, gripping ski poles shaking; and not from the cold; with a terrified look on his face. At the bottom of the "valley" stands a very annoyed red-headed girl; partly because the guy at the top's girlfriend ditched him to be with said boy's roommate leaving aforementioned girl stuck with boy and partly because they hadn't managed to get down a single hill yet.

"Bigger turns Collin," I called up the hill, beyond annoyed now.

"I can't do it!" He screeched like a little baby, his face screwed up in concentration and fear. If I wasn't so mad I would've been laughing. The big bad player acting like a baby? Oh stop you're making my sides hurt so bad I'm going to need surgery to sew them back together.

"Try Collin," I yelled back. He started whimpering, yes whimpering. What is he a dog?

"I can't!" he wailed. I rolled my eyes. Why was I still here, you may ask? Well, I would respond, I'll let you know when I find out. I should really see a therapist about my random ramblings.

I slapped my head feeling stupid. I turned my attention back to Collin, deciding that it would be safer that way.

He was still standing at the top of the hill refusing to budge. I sighed. We had been up here for an hour and he hadn't moved. It was going to be a long day.


I finally convinced Collin that there was no other way down the mountain besides sking down, (shocker) and he made it down, falling every couple of feet but still down.

He limped up the wooden steps to his room and I sat in an easy chair in the main room, looking at the setting sun behind the mountains. It had taken us all day to get down the mountain and I was glad that we had two more days up here before returning to Terisa, and be force fed homework. I smiled, leaning my head back enjoying the sound of the crackling fire, the soft chatter of people making conversation, the rustling of the papers at the receptionist's desk, the sweet smell of hot chocolate, the-

"Woo-Hoo! That was some gnarly powder out there!" I opened my eyes, annoyed by the rough voice to see Tyler walk in, his arm slung over Heidi's shoulder.

My heart squeezed. Poor Collin. His girlfriend was cheating on him with his roommate. I turned my head away to look at the sunset as Heidi kissed Tyler. Why did I feel so bad for Collin? I had broken up millions of couples, split their hearts in half, yet knowing that Collin was being cheated on by my sister and his roommate made me sad? Mad? Annoyed? I wasn't sure but I was pretty sure that the Heartbreaker wasn't supposed to feel this way.

I headed to the elevator knowing what I was going to have to do tonight and that I was going to enjoy this very much.


Yes, I am very sorry about not uploading in forever. No, it won't happen again. Yes, I love votes and comments and appreciate every single one. *hint hint* :D Fan if you really like it!!! :)


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