Recovery: Grayson Allen (Ryleigh)

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Today is the day that me and my other blue devil ladies have a big basketball game... I'm so happy about this game because this will determine if we go to the championship or not... Plus my bae Garyson gonna be there ....I haven't seen in the while b/c I've been practicing 24/7... Even doe we go to the same school and both play basketball I didn't see him... But let me head to the gym...

When I got to the gym my friend Anela came up to me and ask was I'm ready for the game that's when the UConn girls walked up...

(U1=A UConn Girl A=Anela R=You)

U1:Aww look its they sucky blue devil girls

R:Wtf do you want bihhh....

U1:Seems like someone is a little salty and we didn't even start the game yet.

A:Look we're not bout to stand here and argue with him so bye bishhh..

30mins later in the locker room all the girls are dress and we're ready to play...As we come out I look into the crowd and see Grayson there with some of his friends cheering us on with my Jersey.... All I could do was smile and blow him a quick kiss and hurry into our huddle...The game has started and I'm pumped all I gotta do is stay focused and keep my head in the game ....

The the game is almost over it's only a minute and 30 seconds left your team is down by 8 so that when you get the ball take it down court stood behind the 3pt line and took a wild shoot b/c two ppl was guarding you....Even though 2 ppl was gurading you made the 3pt and but the worst part was you came down on your ankle wrong and one of the girls fell on you... You couldn't take the pain....The team trainers came and took you into the back and examine your ankle..while you cried...


Ryleigh really came down on her ankle pretty bad and to the looks of it she probably gonna be out for the champion game if the Blue Devil Ladies win. I'm heading to the looker room right to check on Ryleigh...when I got to the look room door I hear slight sobs so I knocked and walked in...

"Hey babe" I said in a low voice

"Why do bad shit always happen to me huh Grayson"she kinda yelled at me

"Baby look everything is gonna be ok"

"The trainer said I probably won't play in the championship if we win and if its bad enough I won't play ever again"she cried harder and that just broke my heart

"Look baby we both gonna get through this together you might not play in the championship but your gonna play next season"

"How do you know that huh"she said with a slight attitude

"Because I'm gonna to help you recover..

My girls didn't make it to the championship but the guys did and they won I'm so happy for them...but as for me I'm going through recovery pretty good like Grayson said he's gonna help and that's what he been doing...he treats me so much like a queen I couldn't ask for a better guy I thought to myself.....Interrupting my thought Grayson comes in with some Chipotle and a something to drink.....

"Hey baby I got your food"...he said

"Thanks sweetie" I said starting to eat

"Baby can I ask you a question"I stopped eating and looked at him

"Sure what's up"

"Why do you treat me like a queen"

"B/c your my number one girl babe...I'm gonna always treat you like a queen as along as we date and no matter what I'm gonna love your big old head "..he said staring at me

"Heyy my head is not big but I love you too my king"...I said kissing his cheek and start eating again...



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