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Piper's pov
186 views??!! OML ty guys sm it rlly rlly means a lot to me, Piper's pov is dedicated to y'all for making publishing my work on Wattpad happen. Love y'all have a nice day <3

Annabeth seemed to be feeling down after Sophie left, but we couldn't let that happen, why? BECAUSE SHE'S OUR BEST FRIEND!! Well more specifically MY best friend and it's kinda MY fault we haven't really checked in on her that often.........

But hey Percy has been helping her and I heard that they've been quite close lately?? What is THAT about huh?? Don't just all look into what I was doing, LOOK INTO WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN THOSE TWO; yeah??

Being the amazing friend I am, I called her on Friday night and begged her to come to the mall with me.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase Annabeth??" I begged her, using the puppy eyes I know she can't resist.
"Uggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh fineeeeeeeeeeeee" she groaned,
Lhating the fact that I have the power to convince her to do anything.
Not that I would ever use it for any BAD purposes...........

Now it's time for some planning for tomorrow............ *evil cackle*
No........ now that evil cackle sounds weird...

-time skip to tomorrow-

"IT'S TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME" I sang as I swing open her bedroom door early in the morning. Well... not THAT early, It's just 6:00 am.
"What time even is it right now?" she groaned, turning to look at her phone on her bedstand.
"Only 6?!! Are you outta your mind Pipes?" She yelled, going back to sleep under her pillow. I grabbed it and started to use it to whip her head, "GET UUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!"

Turns out Annabeth is extremely good at pillow fights, so I guess at least she can prepare herself for a real fight if necessary. But on the contrast–"OOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW" I screamed. Pillow fights were supposed to be gentle, not like being hit by ceramic!!

"Learnt your lesson on how your way doesn't wake me up?" Annabeth asks, pinning my shoulders down onto the bed using her elbows and towering on top of me.
"Nope" I smirked when she gave me a confused look "Got you up didn't I?"
She groaned because she knows I'm right, and when I'm right she does as I say.

"Get ready we leave in 10" I called while going down the stairs 2 at a time.
"Do you want anything for breakfast, Piper?" Athena—Annabeth's mom asks.
"No thanks, I'll probably grab some waffles at the mall or something for breakfast." I replied. Annabeth's mom and mine are work partners, so mom comes here quite often to talk about business plans when we were a child so Annabeth and I were quite close.
"COME ON ANNABETH I'M GOING TO START THE CAR FIRST" I yelled, "ok" was her reply.

10 exact minutes later dad sped off to the mall for some makeover to be done.
We went to a salon to get Annabeth a fresh haircut meaning a fresh start, and a new backpack for school and some food to eat on the way.

"Can I go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City?" she asks suddenly.
"Okaaaaaaaaaaaay.... but why so sudden?"
"Umm I always wanted to go there with Sophie someday......" I know it's hard for her to admit stuff like that since it was supposed to be their secret and their experience to share together. "Okay!! New York City here we come!" I announced happily.

We were on the car for quite a while so when Annabeth woke me up I'm surrounded by dozens of other cars in a busy looking city. "Ohmygod it's the Empire State Building!!" she exclaims to me while I look at the general direction of where she's pointing sleepily. I've heard that it is where mom and dad first met.........

Our route was cut when a car spun towards us uncontrollably from our right and crashed into us. The last thing I saw before blackness covered me completely was a voice shouting Annabeth's name.

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