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Sophie's pov

The paperwork seems to gain weight as I walk along the path that leads to the swimming pool. Chlorine's distinct smell filled the hallway, noises of happy chatter and my hollowed footsteps echoed through the empty halls. The light from the pool got brighter as I walked towards it, and opened the door to the pool.

Swim team people all stopped and to look at me, I can see Percy's worried glance as he sees my face and the paperwork on my hand.
"Alright people, you don't join the swim team just to look at pretty girls who walked into the pool." the coach said as a few boys visibly blushed.

I sat down on a not wet chair and pulled up a table, then got out the paperworks and started filling them out. Most questions were simple and basic such as my allergies, daily routines, favorite subject, talents, hobbies... etc.
The form drained my energy pretty quick, so after I finished I took my book out and started reading.

I didn't realize that Percy's swim practice was over until he came to my side. That was when I realized that we were the only ones left. "Hey Soph, why are you here today? Don't you usually have your parents pick you up at like 3:45 sharp?" he asks. He must've noticed me tensing at the word 'parents'.
"Are you alright?" Percy asks, looking at me intently with his bright sea green eyes.
"Um... no" I said, I can feel tears brushing on the edge of my eyelids but I forced them to not spill over. Don't ever cry at school or in front of your friends.
"Let's walk and we can talk, Sophie." Percy said, still looking at me caringly.

"Spill" he said once we're out of the pool.
"Well... my parents kind of are in a—" the rest of my sentence is cut short by his phone ringing in his gym duffle bag.
"Wait a sec" he went fishing for his phone and I saw the contact name–Mom.
"You go answer it, I'll walk behind." I said.

I walked slower to give him space, I can only hear his side of the call though.
"Hi mom...... yea............. okay............................................................................" There was silence for such a long time. I thought that Sally had hung up or one of them was thinking.
"oh... wait actually?............................holy-oh my god......................okay...........................mhmmm, k............. love you too mom cya" and he hung up, and turned and jogged back to me.

"Let's get into the car first." he said in a serious tone.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!! Am super grateful for you all for reading my fanfic and supporting me!! Will try to update soon but am currently writing a fanfic w my besties... so yea I might be a bit distracted lately.... So I'm sry but will try my best to update sooner!!


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