Unfortunate circumstances

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They say assholes get what they deserve over time . Karma doesn't leave anyone out . Karma laughs at people who deserve to be laughed at .
" that's it Sasuke the hell out my house !" Yelled an angry voice

" not like I wanted to be here anyway ." Sasuke said with a noticeable attitude

" then leave I can't deal with you . One day karma is gonna bite you in the ass."

" already did have it gave me you ." Sasuke said

" go to hell." The woman yelled.

" been there and it's fun, you should visit sometime." Sasuke said sarcastically

" has anyone ever told you that you're a professional asshole?"

" lots of times ,I've been one , nothing new ." Sasuke said .

Sasuke took his things and left out the house . The woman slammed the door and there he was in the middle of the night arms full of his things .

" there goes another one ." Sasuke said
She wanted him to commit and be the perfect boyfriend which to who he wasn't . He has never been that way . It was her fault for getting her expectations too high. He wasn't going to commit to a girl for which he didn't love at all . His heart was solely committed to one person , a person who he hasn't seen in years .

" now where am I suppose to go...." Sasuke muttered to himself . He walked to the corner . Who did he know that would pick up their phone In The middle of the night and let him stay over? He picked up his phone and called Naruto . After a few rings It was a starchy sleepy voice on the phone .

" hello?"
" Naruto I need a place to stay Stacy kicked me out I need a place to stay ."

" uhhhh" Naruto said
" yes or no I don't have all day idiot." Sasuke said getting snappy .

" ok. Want me to come pick you up or you are walking here?" Naruto said .

" I'm already on my way . Have the door opened." Sasuke said .

" ok."
Sasuke walked  his way to Naruto house . Naruto being Naruto forgot to leave the door unlocked so Sasuke answers politely . No answer. He knocked again, no answer so he started banging on the door like crazy. Naruto answered the door with only shorts on.

" I already said I don't want to subscribe to sun times now leave me alo-
Oh hi sasuke." Naruto said.

" you have so many issues dude I won't. Even begain." Sasuke said blankly. Sasuke walked inside to a nice house , stylish and clean. He knew for sure that someone anyone but Naruto kept it this way. If it was up to his best friend then the house would have ramen cups everywhere.
" I take it that hinata is sleep?" Sasuke said.
" yeah , she just went so I wouldn't wake her she looked tired today. She tried to stay up to welcome you but you know how it is." Naruto said scratching his head.

" I guess." Sasuke said. He laid his stuff in the guess room and sat in the living room with Naruto.
" want a beer? Liquor ? Ice?" Naruto asked.
" any things would be fine." Sasuke said. After they had their drinks it was quiet for a bit. Naruto and sasuke did talk about life so far. Just a little bit nothing on the personal side.
" so why did Stacy kick you out? I thought you just got with her? Last last week it was Pam, not to mention the week before that Keisha ." Naruto said

" the usual, wanted something out of me that she couldn't have. I wouldn't give her it. So she basically got mad kicked me out into the deep night. " sasuke said.

" man I know you been hung up on this one girl but you got to get over her. She probably moved on with life since high school. Got a job, married, kids. You need to move on. " Naruto said.

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