In the dark light you shine the brightest

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" wh- what are you saying sasuke?" Naruto said laughing.

" so?" Sasuke said  drinking his beer.

" it's kinda my buissness. It's for work before you go accusing me  idiot. There's this contract business meeting and we might seal the deal if I can get the client to sign." Naruto said. Sasuke was convinced

" man I feel old." Sasuke said stretching.

" yeah." Naruto said.

" how do we go from wanting to be ninja to business  men ." Sasuke chuckled.

" now, now, . " Naruto said.

" don't be late. Hinata is expecting you to be on time." Sasuke said.

" have I ever been late?" Naruto said.
Sasuke gave him a (wellllll..) look and Naruto got  offended.

" don't be like that. I at least try to get on time. If the deal go well, I might end up coming early . You never know" Naruto said.

" you know.... You don't have to lie to me. I'm not  a snitch ." Sasuke said

" but I have nothing to tell."  Naruto smirked

" I swear. I think you picked up my bad habits over the years" sasuke sighed.

" yeah  you are a bad influence. I'll tell my next generation to  stay away from you. You might seek them out for pleasure." Naruto said.

" I'm not a pedofile.if I need a bit of lov'in I always have options." Sasuke rolled his eyes.

" hence why you are a player.  Sasuke I'll hook you up with a good woman." Naruto said.

" I don't need charity. Now tell me, what's up with you and Hinata ?" Sasuke said with and interested face.

" what do you mean? There isn't much with us. Same .... As usual." Naruto said. With a bland sarcastic tone

"  I mean, you guys have been married for a good 10years, where are your children?  A good home like this , I would have thought you guys would have had children by now." Sasuke said

" welllll. How do I explain this , it's kinda simple yet complex." Naruto said scratching his head.

" ok. Explain." Sasuke said.

"Well. For one thing, hinata and myself aren't ready yet. At one point we were trying to have children, but I think I was a bit nervous. I wasn't financially stable as I am now. We were both young and I wanted to wait a bit before I bring a big responsibility. Of course Hinata wanted a child . But as we thought more about it, we both agreed to wait a bit longer." Naruto explained.

" I see. So you guys are waiting to have children  right now?" Sasuke asked.

" yes, and no. I think on my part I kinda fucked up." Naruto said.

" what do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

" just because me and Hinata don't have kids doesn't mean I don't have any at all.  When I was fooling around , I messed up and got another woman pregnant." Naruto said. Sasuke was shocked and a bit mad. He whacked  Naruto in the back of the head  really hard. Naruto squelched

" what the hell was that for!" Naruto yelled.

" for being a dumbass. How did you get a side chick pregnant! It's called a condom for a reason. You use it, for a reason." Sasuke said sighing. Even he wouldn't mess up like that and he messes around ALOT

" well I wasn't planning it either on my side. It just happened ya know? The condom broke and now ..." Naruto sighed.

" I'm nit gonna judge you for cheating since I'm your bestfriend. I just want to advise you to think smart when you do it. Does Hinata know about it?" Sasuke said.

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