Chapter 3

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Hey everyone!

I have been having slight writers block soooooo yeah

 Btw, if anybody wants to make a cover for this book I would be very happy :)

I have no artistic talent that doesn't involve music sooo anyway, here's chapter 3


I grew impatient as time went on, what were they doing in there? Finally, Mattias came out with a grim look on his face.

"Don't trust her, she is a manipulative monster," he said.

"Considering I didn't fall in love with her the moment I saw her I think I'll be okay." He glared at me. I returned the intense glare with a toothy and smug smile.

"Miss Vienna, could you please come with me?"

"Sure," I replied. I stretched as I got out of the chair. I felt a push on my back. I whirled around to see Mattias smirking at me.

"Get a life," I said as I walked into Dr. Leocadia's office. My eyes grew wide as I looked at the scientific tools surrounding me. One piece of equipment I recognized as a brain scanner. Oh joy. Everything else was unknown to me. She watched me as I looked around the room.

"So, in order to be in the military you have to be in tip-top mental and physical state. That's why we perform these tests." I held in a sarcastic comment and nodded.

"We always begin with the brain scan so we don't go through all this trouble," she gestured around her, "to have a nut-job in the military," she laughed. I laughed slightly to make her feel like she was at least slightly funny. She gestures for me to sit in a chair beside her. She injects a substance into a vein near my elbow. I raised my eyebrows.

"We need to inject this so we can see diseases clearer in the scan. It will take an hour to be absorbed by your body so we often put people to sleep," Leocadia says as she hands me a drink. Still slightly suspicious, I drink it and I immediately fall asleep.

When I woke up, I was lying on a table and apparently, ready to start the brain scan. I merely sat there for 10 minutes until I was finished.

"Well, the good thing is you are perfectly healthy, mental wise. That machine that you see over there," she pointed at a machine that looked more like a glorified cube with a bed in the middle, "will take you into a war simulation so we can see how you act in combat." The way Leocadia kept saying "we" instead of "me or I" was really starting to bother me. She took me by the hand and placed me on the bed (An extremely stiff bed if I do say so myself) in the clear cube. She then sat at a desk with what looked like a TV and a computer, and that's when I noticed gas coming down from the cube's ceiling...


I awoke with a gun in hand and a pack on my back. I guess you could say that's why they call it a....backpack. I jumped when a bomb went off a few feet behind me. I did what anybody would do (I assume), I ran and started firing the way the bomb went off. I had to laugh to myself, since when do I know how to use a gun? I looked down at my uniform as I ran, it was kinda what you would expect a soldier's uniform to be, cameo. On the side of my arm I noticed the flag of Eyjan. A bullet grazed past my heel and I sprinted. I fired behind me and heard somebody cry out in pain. I cringed as a giant wave of guilt hit me.

After running for sometime, I saw people clothed in the same uniform as me. I ran faster, using the rest of my energy to catch up to them. A man who I assumed was the lieutenant for this group of soldiers turned around and glared at me.

"Flowers where have you been?" he yelled. Flowers? I fought the urge to slap him across the face and responded.

"I-I was back in the bushes and then the bomb went off and I ran to catch up to you, sir." I added the sir kind of uncertainly and he could sense it. He squinted at me with piercing eyes.

"Come on then team," he said as he turned around and continued on. I exhaled and somebody came up next to me.

"Hey, I'm Isla." Her voiced dropped to a whisper, "Lieutenant Cole can be so irritating sometimes." I laughed. That earned a lot of glares.


A few hours past nightfall we were hiking through the desert, tired, hungry, thirsty, you know, the whole schabang. I looked out ahead of us to see some figures hiding behind bushes. I was about to tell Lieutenant Cole, but they beat me to it and started shooting.

"Scatter!" I heard him yell and we all ran for the some still tumbleweeds. I fired at them with my gun until no more shoots came. I sighed, thank God that was over. We were about to continue walking when I blacked out....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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