You are having a hard time in making Daehyun's cheesecake as his B-day present tomorrow. You're in a relationship with for almost 2 years,so you decided to make special one for his Birthday. You ended up putting some strawberries on top of the cheesecake.You don't want to taste it cause it might be destroyed.
Morning came,You headed to his apartment. You are smiling like an idiot thinking how he taste it and say how proud he is for his girlfriend in making a very delicious cheesecake in the world. When you reached his apartment,Daehyun hugged you and kisses your forehead. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY OPPA." You said and handed him the cheesecake. "IS THIS FOR ME??" he asked as you nod. "ALRIGHT THEN,LET'S IT EAT TOGRTHER." he replies and pulled you in the kitchen. You sliced the cheesecake for him. "YOU'RE NOT EATING??" he asked you as he held his fork. "TASTE IT FIRST OPPA!!" You replied and smiled.
He tasted it and his facial expression changed.It's looks like his vomitting but he is trying to smile. "OPPA ARE YOU OKAY??" you asked concerned. "NE..HH.,,KWENCHANAYO." he replies.You can feel that there is wrong with him or the cheesecake. You glared at him and looked at the cheesecake and back at him.You grabbed the fork and tasted the cheesecake.It tasted really awful.Your face dropped and almost to cry. "(your name)-AH,,IT'S OKAY,,YOU CAN MAKE ANOTHER ONE." Daehyun comforted you."ANIYA..I AM A REALLY BAD COOK" you replied. "AND I GAVE YOU THE WORSEST GIFT EVER" you continued.Daehyun pulled you into a hug and said,"PABO-YAH,,I ALREADY HAVE THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL AND THAT IS YOU." he helled your face and wipes your tears as he leaned and kissed you. "SARANGHAE (your name)-ah" he said. "NADO SARANGHAE OPPA!" you said back.
Daehyun's imagines
FanficCredit to admin chae and admin ryn on @bap(underscore)thoughts on twitter, and Facebook page 'Daehyun's cheesecake'