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It was finally Friday, and i had gotten two letters a day this week. But the one that worried me most was the last one I got today.


Hello again. We talked earlier. And I saw something I didn't like.

Babe you have cuts and scars down your arms. I saw them. I looked twice. I know I wasn't imagining them. Some looked new. Some were obviously old as they were scars. I don't like that Luke. Talk to me next time. I don't wanna see anymore. It hurts me and I'm sure it hurts you. I love you Luke.  I don't want you to be hurt. Ever. Ever.

I know you get upset or whatever it is. Maybe you just want attention. I don't know. But whatever the reason, please stop. I love you.

That's really all I had to say. Stay strong.

-me x

I groaned as I read it and felt tears fall down my face. Someone saw them. He saw them. And he was talking about it. So before I did my homework, I decided to lie my ass off and write a reply.


Im fine. I have 5 cats, and they like to play a lot. That's how those got there. I'm perfectly happy and I'd actually rather not get attention from people at school and in random places. My mom knows I exist, my friends know i exist, and my crush does.  Im okay with that.

And even if I wasn't fine, I couldn't talk to you about it. I don't know who you are. I'd talk to my best friend Michael. He's the one I trust. But thanks for your concern.
Bye I guess.

-luke xx

All of that was a lie. The truth was I wasn't fine. I didn't have cats, I never had a cat. And it wasn't cats that striped marks down my arm. It was a blade. Actually several blades.

Thinking about it made me pull out a small necklace box and pull out something I hadn't seen in like a week. My blade.

After about 10 cuts down one arm, Ashton called me. "Were going out. Come with us. Well be there in an hour." He told me. "Ash I can't. I have homework." I rejected the offer. "Pleasseee" he pleaded. "No ash" i snapped. He sighed. "Fine" he mumbled before hanging up.

I sighed and put my blade back in the box before gently closing the box and putting it back in my dresser drawer. I took a quick shower before getting in some black skinny jeans and my go all the away shirt. I did my hair in its usual style and changed my lip piercing. I brushed my teeth and finished getting ready before calling Ash. "Yeah?" He asked. He was driving and I could hear laughing and music. "Never mind. I'll go." I told him. "Yaaayyy" he cheered. I smiled. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." He added. "Okay." I answered before hanging up.

"Mom! I'll be back later!" I called as i walked down the stairs. "Is your homework done?" She called back. I ignored her and walked outside. I was standing out there waiting and my mom opened the door.

"Is your homework done Lucas?" She demanded. I sighed and ignored her and she asked again. I rolled my eyes. "LUCAS HEMMINGS" she basically screeched. Ashtins car pulled up and I walked up to it.

"No, my homeworks not done!" I called, right before getting in and ashton sped away, all of us laughing.

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