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My mom wanted us to stay and talk to her during dinner, mainly so she could meet Calum. I didn't want to, but he didn't seem to mind in the slightest. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before my mom finally said something.

"So Calum" she started. "How long have you known Luke?" She asked. He shrugged. "Like two years I think." He answered. She nodded.

"Are you guys official?" She asked. He grinned and looked over at me. "Yes" he said and looked back at my smiling mother. "Yeah. He's all mine." I added, making them both smile again.

"And you're aware that there's someone leaving notes and stuff in his locker?" She asked. He blushed slightly. "Um," he quietly said. "That was all him mom." I told her. She smiled. "Thank you Calum. You're amazing." She said.

He looked confused. "You made Luke smile and he seemed a bit happier when you were writing them. Now he seems happier though." She explained. He nodded. "Oh. Well every word was true." He shrugged. I blushed.

"You guys are so cute together!" She chimed. We both smiled. "Thanks." We said together. Then we giggled. "I'm the cuter one." I joked. "Noooo" calum smiled, making us both giggle again. "Fine. You're the cuter one." I told him. I completely forgot my mom was sitting there silently watching us. "Nope. You are." He laughed. "Are you ever gonna agree?" I asked. He shook his head.

I sighed. "Fine." I said, pecking his lips gently before getting up, making my mom 'awwwww' us and I remembered she was there. "Sorry mom." I said. "NO! don't be!" She squealed and I rolled my eyes.

When me and Calum were back in my room, he giggled. "Well your mom seems supportive." He smiled.

"Shut up and come here." I smiled, kissing him and pulling him onto the bed to cuddle.

Sorry it's so short. Love you guys xx

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