Chapter 9 Crap and more crap part 3

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When we got to the diner, Dean had that stupid manuscript in hand reading it while Sam and I find out what we want on the menu.

"Hey, this could be a good thing. I mean, if this is what puts us on the path to Lilith, then all we got to do is get off path." Good thinking Dean but didn't we just do that? I didn't want to start an argument so I didn't say it aloud.

"How do you mean?" I asked instead.

"It's a blueprint of what not to do. I mean, if the pages say that we go left-"

"Then we go right." Sam finished.

"Exactly. We get off-book. We never make it to the end. It's opposite day. It says that we, uh, we get into a fight. So no fighting. No research for you, no cleaning guns or knifes for you..."

"No bacon cheeseburger for you." I finished this time. Dean pouted.

 "Yeah, no problem. I'll just order something else." The waitress was coming to take our order. "Hi, uh, what's good?"

"Well, if you like burgers, Oprah's girlfriend said we have the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country." Sam and I laughed, this was gonna be fun.


"I'll just have the cobb salad, please." Sam said cheerfully

"I'll have one of those bacon cheeseburgers." I said, I did like cheeseburgers, but it was mostly to tease Dean.

"I'll have the... veggie tofu burger. Thanks." Dean struggled. She took our menus and left to get our food ready. "Really you want Sam to die?"

"No I wanted to see you suffer." I know I'm twisted.

"This whole thing's ridiculous." Sam cut in.

"Lilith is ridiculous?" Dean inquired.

"The idea of me hooking up with her is."

"Right. 'Cause something like that can never happen."

"This is getting awkward for me." I squeaked.

"Dean, for the first time, we have warning that Lilith is close." Sam was trying not to get angry with Dean and calm down.


"So... we've got the jump on her, Dean. That's what he's saying." I explained.

"Right, if we know she's coming, we know where she's - this is an opportunity." Sam and I were right.

"Are you-" He made a face like he was telling himself 'Don't kill them Dean.'. "It frustrates me when you say such reckless things. Both of you."

"Well, it frustrates me when you'd rater hide than fight." The waitress came over so I tried calming them down.

"Cobb salad for you, bacon cheeseburger for you. And the tofu veggie burger for you." She walked away.

"Thank you." Dean leaned in close. "It's not hiding. It's being smart. It's picking your battles. This is a battle that we are not ready to fight." He took a huge bite of his burger and his eyes went huge. "Oh, my God. this is delicious. Tofu is amazing."

I took a bite of my burger waiting for the sweet taste of bacon, but instead I got tofu.

"Ew, Dean you have my burger and I have yours." I shoved the tofu away from me over to Dean. SHIT, I had tofu and he had bacon.

After the weird dinner we drove the Impala back to the hotel got my truck and headed to a different hotel. The Toreador motel. Yuck, it was a sleazy- looking motel. I got out of my truck and headed over to them.

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