My cell phone started ringing when I got into the truck. After I was done with the groceries, I was going over to the hotel where the boys and I were staying.
I checked the ID it was Dean, Damn! I didn't want to talk to him. That was the last thing I wanted to do. So I couldn't explain how I knew Castiel. But he had to step in and protect little Dean-ie-weenie. Ugh! I had the damn situation figured out. I knew Lilith wouldn't sleep with him. Hell, I wouldn't let her. Now the volume was getting louder and louder.
"Just shut up will you!" I yelled at the phone.
"What?" I snapped "Dean, what the hell do you want?"
"Erika, It's Sam." The man on the other side of the line said.
"Oh," I felt guilty. Sam shouln't be treated bad I mean what did he ever do. Other than drink demonblood without telling his brother.
"And Dean wanted you to -and I quote- 'To get your ass the hell over here.'" I heard him sigh.
"Tell him 'I'm getting my ass the hell over there.'" I was in a bitchy mood today. I need to go get Castiel so he can help me explain to them.
When I got back to the hotel I heard Dean screaming at Sam. He found out about Sam's doings I guessed.
"Honey I'M HOME!" I yelled as I opened the door after picking it. When I looked up I saw a man and a woman fighting about something. "Sorry." I mumbled before they shoved me out of the door.
My face turned bright red. I was on digit wrong I thought Sam said 'room 11' ha he said 'room 7'. When I got to the right room the door was unlocked. Hmm that's weird. Pushing the open the door gently I pulled on my sleeve. It revealed a sort of contraption that gets used very little. That's when I saw them. Dean was on the couch and Sam on the bed. I examined them looking for a weapon they might have stashed.
"Erika. Sit. Down. Now." Dean was pissed and we all knew it. "Now time has come for you to tell us HOW THE HELL DOES CAS KNOW YOU?"
"It's a long story you wouldn't want to listen." I tried working my way around the question.
"Should I get Cas?" He threatened. It wasn't much of a threat to me, but he didn't know that.
"Here, I'll do the honor." I grinned at least I have back up. "Castiel, I need you to help me. Come on down, Cou-"
There was a flutter of wings around the room. Here we go. Castiel was behind me. I could sense it.
"Cousin." Castiel finished.
"What? We're not cousins, Cas." Dean thought that Castiel meant him? That's stupid.
"I meant to direct it to Erika, I should have been more clear."
"Wait, cousin?" Sam got the catch.
"That's what I have to tell you. Well here it goes." I sighed. "Do you want the summery or the full story?"
"The full story." Dean demanded.
"I, um, I forgot the groceries outside." I started toward the door when flames engulfed around me. Holy fire. Shit. I turned and saw Dean kneeling on the ground with a lighter in hand.
"You aren't going anywhere, Erika, until you tell us what your story is."
"Fine. I will, just give me a second and let me out." I demanded
"Why should we? You might just run away."
"No. I won't." The look on his face told me that he didn't believe me."I promise, I won't break for it."

The New Winchester
FanficErika Rodreguiz gets tired of the normal life at the right place right time when Sam and Dean Winchester come to fit it back together. Join them in the thrilling and daring story that has humor, twists, and turns at every corner. (Let's stop lying...