chapter 3. Job (edited [Sorta])

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I woke up at about 5:00 a.m. and I felt like playing a prank on them. I took some water, colored it red, and poured it on the floor. I went right in the middle of it and sat down then yelled up the stairs to the bedrooms.

"HEY DUDES ITS ALREADY 9:00 I'M LEAVING TO DO A CASE SEE YA LAT-" I interrupted my own sentence and threw a book on the counter making a big bang. I screamed and lied down in the water. When Dean came down the look on his face was priceless. He finally noticed how runny the "blood" was.

"Ha, ha very funny so what time is it really?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Its 5:05 Dean." Said a sleepy Sam.

"Hey Sammy, how'd you sleep?"I questioned cheerfully.

"Good until now." He rubbed his eyes.

"Okay princesses get dressed and lets go we have a quick case I picked up." I skipped past them.

It took them about 20 minutes to get showered, dressed, and teeth and hair ready. Meanwhile I was making a delicious breakfast. l made eggs, bacon, toast, waffles, and pancakes. Man did they chow down. It was like they hadn't eaten in two days.

"So whats the case?" Dean asked after he finnished his plate.

"Um, kids are somehow falling off a balcony in the old play and musical theater, I personally think they are pushed, but the catcher is no one in the balcony and its always when the parents aren't around."

"So it could be a ghost that's all." Sam causally said.

"No duh! Genius, its a ghost, I can't find the damn body or who is haunting it."

"Let's check it out shall we?"

"Sure. Where is it, Erika?" Dean was being over sarcastic

"Just follow me."

We went out to our cars mine is a big black, diesel, truck with awesome 4-wheel drive. I looked at their black smooth, Chevy Impala. Nice. I thought to myself.

"Wow, who drives that?" Dean asked stepping back dramatically to get a full picture.

"I do."

"Very funny Erika right?"

"Come on Dean."

When we finally got to the theater there was some police cars around the entrance. Oh crap someone died. Okay I pulled into the nearest parking spot. Likely I brought the new badges with me thank God. I got prepped to go in right when the Impala turned into the parking lot. They saw the cars and fixed their suits and ties, got out the same I.D. badges they used on me, and got out of the car.

"This is it?" Dean asked me, he was really getting on my nerves.

"Okay enough with the smartass attiude and I swear if you don't I will personally crash your pretty little pepped up car."

"Hey no hurting my baby."

"Oh so that's the only thing that you actually love?"

"NO, THAT DOES IT." He started walking toward me ready to rip my head off.

Sam grabbed Dean by the shoulder. "Hey no one is going to hurt each other okay?"


"But still no duh the kids are falling off its a accident waiting to happen. I mean with even 70 pounds on there its a fucking wreck."

"No it won't fall."

"You sure."

"Hell yes you idiot didn't you hear me?"

"OKAY enough, I'm already sick of you two fighting. Can we go in now?"

"Ya we can."

"Wait what about you don't they know you?"

"There was supposed to be auditions today for a play, so I could say I was going here for that. Oh ya here." I handed them new badges with fake names like: Dean Ethridge and Sam Kutz. "I hacked into the police records and changed the pictures to yours and Sam's."

"Thanks but what's it for?" Dean was opening both of his the new and the old one. "We have our own sorry."

"Uh, Dean these are almost real." Sam was looking at his and was on the computer.

"How can you tell, please teach me Sam."

"Well the card is done really well. The date does exeist. And lastly we apear on the police record." Sam showed us the computer that had his picture and Dean's on the fake police accounts.


"I had oh, 18 YEARS to make them."

"You know that we are very sorry."

"Okay lets go in now."

I started to walk to away from the front of the cars and the officers took notice of me.

"Hey Erika! How are you doing?" My friend Billy Gourgen said while hugging me.

"I'm fine, but your choking me." He was hugging me like I was out of town for days. He stopped

"Oh sorry, so who were you just with, Darling?" I saw envy in his eyes.

"Three things, Billy, One the short one is my cousin and the tall one his friend, two we went out one so don't call me darling, and three what happened here?"

"Well a couple of kids fell off the balcony. Same old, same old."

"Dean, Sam get over here."

Somehow Billy snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me tight next to him.

"Ya?" Dean questioned.

"Guys, this is Billy, Billy this is Sam and Dean." I pushed Billy's arm away and gestured his hand to Dean and Sam's. They both shook it intently as if they were in a hurry to get to the case.

"Nice to meet the cousin of this wonderful lady."

"Are you two like a thi-" I stomped on Dean's foot before he could finish.

Billy said 'Yes' when I said 'NO' "No Dean we aren't and get to work." I wispered to him.

"So, why are YOU down here isn't his a job for grownups?"

"I'm a policeman as a matter of fact so I have a right unlike you two."

"Are you sure?" Dean held up his badge showing F.B.I. across the top.

"What you didn't tell me, hon, that your cousin is with the F.B.I.."

"Hey number two." I growled at him.

"Oh sorry."

"How many kids is that now?" Sam spoke up.

"Eleven or twelve I think."

"Can we take a peek inside?"

"Sure but follow me there are still adutions going on in there."

"That's what I'm here for."

"Okay, see you later babe."

"BILLY." I yelled "no." I said a bit more calm.

I headed into the building and went stright up to the balcony. I took out my EMF reader and scaned the room. Huh, nothings there. All of the sudden it went crazy. I pulled out my gun from the back of my jeans and the knife hidden in my boot and got ready if anything came out.

"Sam? Dean? Billy?" I heard a rustle behind me so I turned. I felt something breathing down my neck. I turned back around and saw him.


Hiya peoples, sorry cliff hanger, oh well leave a comment and I'll now update faster too.

Olivia <3

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