"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
-Lao Tzu
Present Day: December 27th three years later:
The blue cocktail dress slipped over my legs and clung to my hips nicely, resting just below my butt. I exhaled and closed my makeup bag.
"Addy! Is your ass ready yet?" my older brother, Randy, asked loudly.
"Give me a minute!" I shouted kicking the door with my foot.
"Just hurry up!" his loud steps echoed through the house and I exhaled loudly. I emerged from the restroom, putting on my earrings and bracelets
"You sure you want to wear that dress? It is a bit revealing for my taste, Addy," I pulled my brown hair from my shoulder and then let it fall across my back.
"It's fine Randy," I said rolling my eyes.
"Happy birthday," he held up a small box and I opened it quickly.
"It's beautiful," I said while pulling in the silver chain and touching the flower charm.
"I know lilies are your favorite," he said and I put the anklet on my right foot.
"Thank you Randy," I gave him a hug.
"We should head out. Steph will get super mad if we're late, " he said and I picked up my clutch and followed him out the door, picking up my white pumps on the way out.
"ID?" the guy dressed in all black asked. I pulled out my ID and showed him that I really am twenty-two.
"Go," he said and I nodded walking into the bar.
I find the table Steph is at quickly and frown when I see who's with her.
"Thought you had work Tom," I stated. After that night at the beach, Tom came back begging for Steph to take him back. She was twelve weeks pregnant and vulnerable. He hasn't left since, but I'm still suspicious of him.
"I got it off and found a sitter for Logan," he said before giving me a hug.
"Glad you could make it," I said in return.
Randy sat next to my boyfriend, Xander and I pulled out the chair next to Steph.
"Bought you a scotch Addy," Xan slid the drink toward me and I smiled at him.
A couple drinks later, I wander over to the bar and waited for the bartender to turn around.
"What can I get you?" not bothering to look up from my phone to speak to the voice.
"Scotch on the rocks,"
"Here you go miss," I reached forward and felt my skin brush his. I looked up quickly and he was frozen in his spot as well.
"I," the drink tilted forward and splashed down the front of my dress.
"I'm so sorry." he picked up the green rag and hopped over the bar.
"It's okay," I whispered as he handed me the rag. I patted down the front of my dress, thankful that I wore a dark color.
"I'm so sorry," he took another green rag out of his back pocket and crouched to start cleaning up the floor. I hopped up on the stool.
"I will get you another drink, on the house," I smiled and looked at him. His soft green eyes met mine and he smiled.
"You look familiar," I stated before I could stop myself.
"I'm the head bartender here," he responded and I shook my head. My brain started combing through faces and then it hit me.

RomansThings never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but true love pulls them back to each other in the end, or at least, that's what they were told.