Never regret anything that made you smile.
- Mark TwainFive Years later:
I lift the carrier out of the car and walk over to the other side of the car.
"Zach, do you need help with your seatbelt?" His bright green eyes met mine and shook his head.
"I don't need help Mommy," I watched him get out of the car and looked at the carrier.
"When will Josie be big like me?" I smoothed out the front of my maid of honor dress and straightened Zach's tie.
"She's only four months old, buddy. She has a lot of years before she is grown up like you," I picked up the carrier and Zach took my other hand, "Let's go see Uncle Randy and Auntie Steph," Zach pushed open the groomsmen room and Josh's eyes met mine first.
"Daddy," Josh picked up Zach and I sat Josie's carrier down on the coffee table.
"Can I say hi to Mommy?" Zach scrunched his face and looked at me.
"Don't kiss again," I heard the groomsmen laugh and Zach jumped out of Josh's arms, "Where is Uncle Randy?" Josh walked him into the bedroom and then came back.
"He looks so handsome," Josh said and I smiled at him.
"How are my two lovely girls?" He unbuckled the carrier and lifted Josie into his arms.
"We are good. She screamed half of the car ride until we reached the second freeway on ramp. Josh stuck the pacifier in her mouth and looked up at me. I pulled out my phone and read the twenty-three text messages from Steph.
"And Steph said I was freaking out on our wedding day," Randy walked into the main room and struggled with his tie.
"Addy," I retied his bow tie, "Zach is a crack up," Josh smiled and placed Josie in the carrier.
"I should go and help Steph get ready. I'll see you guys in a few," I picked up the carrier and walked to the door.
"Addy," I turned and Josh's lips met mine. After 7 years of marriage, he still leaves me breathless, "I love you," Josie cried loudly and I rested my forehead against his.
"I love you too," I said through laughing and headed to the other room.
"Thank god," Steph almost knocked me off of my feet with her rampage hug. Josie was still crying and Steph looked down.
"I wish I had a sitter," Steph unbuckled Josie and cooed to her.
"It's okay. She is too cute to not have around," Josie's hazel eyes were glossed over from crying and her dark hair was uncombed. Josie looked at Steph and then back at me, before continuing to scream and cry.
"I fed her before we left," I loosened the zipper of my dress and grabbed the cover up from my purse.
"Caden used to eat 24/7 and I was always sore," I nodded and Quinn walked through the door and smiled.
"Steph the hairdresser is here," Steph has her hair done and then braids mine quickly. I applied my lip gloss and changed Josie into her little, teal dress. I pulled on her white socks with the lace at the top and placed the carrier in the bedroom keeping Josie in my arms.
"Who is going to watch Josie since you and Josh are in the wedding?" Gabby asked and Steph's mom appeared, smiling at me.
"I can watch her sense, I'm just in the aisle," a wave of relief washed over me and I pulled Tracy into a hug.
"Tracy, you are the best," she smiled and kissed the side of my face.
"I love you like a daughter and I wouldn't have it any other way," Steph's watch went off and her face paled.

Storie d'amoreThings never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but true love pulls them back to each other in the end, or at least, that's what they were told.