Chapter 7

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Lilia froze. “My heart mother?” she asked, her voice slightly breaking.

“Oh don’t look so concerned. It was only a figure of speech.” Megra said with a light blazè laugh while circling dangerously close to Kael.

“It is interesting that out of every slave, you picked him.” She added thoughtfully.

“Why is it so interesting?” Lilia asked bewildered.

Megra waved her hand dismissively “That is of no importance to you, daughter. Now, what do you intend to do with him?” she asked gazing intensely at Kael. Lilia’s whole body straightened and tensed.

“That is of my business, mother, not yours.” She said curtly.

“Tsk tsk, so defensive Liliana, I would never forcefully take what is yours, but after all he is just a slave.” She said seductively trailing a finger down Kael’s cheek. She abruptly stepped back and turned to address Lilia. “Now my dearest, we have matters to discuss, important ones. So please do not delay, I shall see you in the throne room as soon as you and your... pet are settled.” She said looking between her and Kael. She then left the room letting the doors slam loudly behind her. Lilia moved to her bed and landed upon it with an audible thump. She put her head in her hands and let out a long shaky sigh. She breathed in three times to steady herself and then looked over to Kael who stood stiffly and had not moved since Megra had left. She decided to put on a cheery façade, “Well I guess we should get you your things then” Lilia said smiling. Kael looked at her and gave a weak smile, “Lead the way, my lady.” He said gesturing politely to the door.

She moved into the corridor and felt Kael following close behind her. “There are a few things you need to know about how the palace works. First, as I bought you it means you are in effect my personal property; therefore you have a type of royal status. You will be shown more respect, will be allowed to roam freely and will have much better treatment and accommodation. No one can command you to do anything unless I have given my consent but as you know I will not make you do anything you do not want to.”

She gracefully motioned to an archway to her left. It led to a large room filled with light and in the centre was a long snakewood dining table.

“This is where we sometimes entertain guests or have meals but I prefer to eat in my courtyard.”

She carried on walking, turning down different brightly lit passages indicating to drawing rooms, exercise rooms, and certain servants’ quarters. She turned to open a small wooden door that led to a candle lit man. The walls were covered with shelves full of fine materials and trinkets. The man sitting in the corner looked up from his cluttered sewing desk.

“Princess!” he exclaimed, hurrying to get up and bow. “Please excuse my state. I was not expecting you.” He said quickly attempting to create some semblance of order. She looked upon the aged man who had cared for her all her life. She took in his calloused hands and greying beard. Seeing the wrinkles of time scattered over his face. He had always been her teddy bear as he had given the best hugs due to his tubby physique. He had entertained her when she was sad and never failed to make her laugh. She used to come in to his work room hiding from her matriarch whenever they tried to make her go to the market. He would let her hide under mounds of fabrics watching the way he sewed intricate designs into the most delicate dresses creating something that always took her breath away. He had made all her most favourite dresses and had seemed so content when she beamed in her appreciation.

“Relax Zeros, you know I love your work place; It has so many fond memories.”

The man relaxed slightly as he smoothed out his robe.

“Thank-you. What is it that brought you here today?”

She motioned to Kael.

“I was wondering if you may have anything that would fit him. He needs a full wardrobe made to fit and I would also like for you to embroid my personal crest into anything he may wear.”

Zeros moved to Kael, measuring his body and speaking to himself as he did so. He opened a few boxes and brought forward a pile of garments of many different colours and textures.

“I hope you do not mind princess but Aric told me you planned to buy someone and I saw you with Kael in the market one day so I took the liberty of making these beforehand. They will fit perfectly.” He said handing the clothes over to Kael who took them and held them as though he was afraid they would break.

“Thank-you” he said quietly in admiration.

Zeros smiled warmly. “It is only a pleasure young man; you look after Lilia now you hear! She needs a fine person like you around to care for her.”

He said grasping Kael’s shoulder lightly.

“I will if she lets me, sir” Kael said gazing over at Lilia and capturing her eyes with his. Lilia blushed slightly. She embraced Zeros lovingly. “Thank-you for all your kindness and hard work.” She said smiling.

“Good, good. Now it is time you be on your way and go have fun!” he said ushering them both out the door.


so i hope you are all enjoying the story so far. i've started my list of people who i think should play certain characters but if you have any ideas let me know :) thanks 

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