Chapter 10

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Kael lay on his bed watching the moon descend behind the dark bridge of the horizon. Knowing it was still way before dawn, he got up and walked across the icy tiles to his large wardrobe.

Grasping the oiled wooden handle he pulled the doors open to reveal his neatly placed clothes. He looked over all of the various garments and colours and picked out a sleeveless pale green tunic top and pulled it on over his messy hair, slowly bringing it down to cover his tightly muscled chest.

He tightened the string on his leather pants not bothering to change out of them and picked up his crimson coat and gracefully flew it over his shoulders, flexing his strong arm muscles as he did so.

He quickly fitted on his leather sandals and turned to check his appearance in the full length mirror. His hair hung in long dishevelled spikes around his chiselled face while his eyes burned darker. His broad shoulders hid under the cloak, along with his long muscular arms. He pulled the hood up over his head masking his face and moved to the door with his pants hugging his athletic legs.

He silently meandered down the dimly lit hall making his way across the luminescent black floors. The birds had begun to rise and sing their soft morning call and the sweet, mysterious smell of the night started to mingle and give way to the signature odour of the city dwellers. He gently pushed open the kitchen door and let it shut without a sound. He hastily took in his surroundings and mapped where all the food was after making sure he was alone.

As he deliberated on what to eat his stomach let loose a fierce growl showing its protest from not being fed the day before. Kael ignored it as he had already grown used to previous pangs of hunger and walked over to the central counter where a dark wicker bowl sat in the middle filled with all kinds of different fruits.

He paused to look at the different shades of reds, oranges and greens that they all sported while his mind ran wild with possible tastes. He just grabbed hold of a simple lime green apple and savoured the sweet taste that exploded on his dry taste buds after hearing the crunch of his jaws biting into its hard skin.

He pocketed another small one and then silently ambled out the kitchen and down the entrance hall. He passed a few servants who were preparing the palace for the morning all bringing new foods or clean linen and others creating great floral masterpieces.

He slipped out the front entrance and briskly walked down the golden plated steps and hurried along the cobbled pathway until he got to the sentry gates where two of the female guard stepped forth from their shadowed positions and walked to stand before him in a very regimented way, Dressed in full plated armour with moulded copper chest plates and thick leather slatted skirts with mauve underlay and gold vambraces on their forearms.

The taller one of the two stepped forward with her left sandaled foot letting her back one hover as if about to move and her long braid swayed gently behind her with the movement. She paused with her hand on the topaz studded hilt of her short sword and thoughtfully looked Kael over before he saw that familiar glint invade her eyes and watched as her lip slowly began to curve and her eyes hood while her nose flared ever so slightly.

9He looked over to her partner and watched as a similar reaction began to play across her features. “What business do you have out the gates slave?” she said with her voice slowing and filling with lust. Kael’s stormy eyes quickly flashed with fury but he let it pass and seductively cocked his hip to the side and rolled his apple in between his long tanned fingers before setting his fiery gaze upon their eyes and painstakingly bit into the apple hearing its long, slow crunch echo around them.

He watched their eyes linger longingly on his lush lips and he smirked while he swallowed. Slowly he sashayed up to whisper in her ear and felt them both gravitate towards him.

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