Chapter 13

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Kael shook his head and was quickly reminded of his subconscious quest. He looked around delightfully bemused by the smells that still surrounded him. He twitched his head like a puppy trying to make sense of something but instead asked to fill his interest.

 “What are these smells?”  He asked in wonder. The old woman smiled and took in a deep breath.

“These urns are filled to the brim with my greatest treasure. Not with a set weight of gold or precious gem, but a devilishly addictive essence that no man or woman here has ever found.” She paused in her speech and the man stepped forward with a sweep of his long robed arm entrancing Kael even more.

“From my fellows of faraway lands, where the sky meets the Crystal Mountains tops and the ebony willows grace the copper corn fields, a new revolution was born. Not in the form of blood and tears but in the art of the finest brew. From the freshest evergreen bushes the crimson berries are handpicked at the peak of ripeness. They are then brought here to be roasted to perfection for your satisfaction. So, young gentleman, i bring to you today; the revolution of coffee.”

The man finished with gusto and opened two middle jars simultaneously with an exaggerated sweep. As he did this the air thickened with a sugary and acidic smell.

“These are the finest beans. They have different strengths and tastes depending on their colour. The colour is determined by the bean type and roast. Here we have a dark roast; its flavour is bold yet has a more sugar filled taste.” He said pointing to the first jar. Kael saw thousands of dark, almost black, beans and their surfaces reflected little glints of light.

He went forward and picked up a single bean. It rolled between his fingers and he felt the curved half of the bean glide smoothly over his thumb and index finger. The other half was the opposite. It was rough from the long split running down it and he could feel each little bump and ridge. He slowly lifted it to his nose and inhaled the bitter sweet smell smiling in satisfaction. He then decided to try to taste the bean and immediately realised it was a huge mistake.

The bean was bitter to his taste buds and scrunched up his face showing his displeasure while attempting to rub and spit out the lingering taste. The old man burst out with a hearty roar of laugher and the old woman stifled her laughs behind a thin hand.

“My Boy, if I were you I would wait until my beautiful Aella here has brewed you a cup. It would most definitely appeal more to you then.” He said still chuckling but looking fondly at the woman beside him. She playfully tapped his arm looking between him and Kael.

“Strav, you old flirt.” She said laughing.

“Here son let me quickly show you how it’s really done.” She took a small clay bowl and filled it with the dark coffee beans.

Then she went to a smaller table where a flat stone tray that had little ridges on each side and end lay and poured the beans on to it. She then took what seemed to be a rectangular stone and began to gently crush the beans until after a few moments all that was left was fine grains.

 She then took the powder and walked to the back of the stall where Kael had only just noticed a small square surrounded by a low brick wall in which a small fire burned steady.

He watched with interest as she poured the coffee powder in to a metal pot and then took a clay jug and from it poured water on top of the powder. He then saw her take a long wooden spoon and then began to slowly stir the contents of the pot. After a few minutes had past he saw thin feather wisps of light grey smoke twirl out from the water mixture as it begun to heat.

He strained to see inside the pot and was amazed when he saw dual twirls of clear liquid being conquered by a dark brown that slithered through the left over water until all was a beautiful hue acorn brown.

He then heard the familiar pops of bubbles breaking from the water that was now at the boil and watched riveted as Aella then took a ornately designed clay cup that had small jewelled stones littering its lip and delicate geometric designs along the side and place a small metal triangle into the cup so it was touching the cups metal lining.

Kael quickly looked to Strav not wanting to miss anything and asked quickly. “Strav, what is that metal object?”

Strav looked to Kael and smiled.

“That there is what we call a strainer. It has fine holes in it to allow the coffee liquid through but not the left over powder granules.” He said explaining gently, almost as if not to disturb the sacred process.

Kael looked back to Aella to see what he had missed. He saw that she was meticulously pouring the coffee mixture into the strainer which he now knew separated the liquid and powder and watched in amazement as it turned from a dark brown lump filled mixture to a pure and translucent golden brown liquid.

Once Aella had transferred all the delicious juices she placed the used strainer in a bowl and turned to momentarily face Kael.

“Alright dear, I’m going to let you try it with just a spoonful of sugar first and see if you like it and then you can try it with a splash of milk.”  She said smiling.

Kael did all he could really do and just nodded. He watched her open another small jar and take a petite scoop of fine white crystals. As she cautiously moved the spoon over to the cup a gentle shower of the sweet sugar crystals spilled over the spoon and fell to the table like delicate snowflakes. She then tipped it into the cup creating a white waterfall. She gently mixed the liquid and smiled brightly as she lifted and brought the cup over to Kael.

“My boy. This is our best black blend, Brought from the centre of Limura, The wild coffee that gives a beautifully balanced cup.” She said with a twinkle in her eye as she carefully handed over the delicate cup into Kael’s unsure hands.

He lifted it to his lips, pausing, and inhaled the smoky hazelnut scent which felt as though it seeped into his being until it was his only thought. He tentatively brought the cup down to his lips and took a long slow sip.

He felt the coffee warming his mouth and let the gentle liquid swirl across his taste buds before swallowing. He was left with an acrid yet piquant taste. Each sip was like a new burst of flavour. He handed the cup back and the lady paused in anticipation.

“So what did you think?” she asked with her body angling forward waiting for the answer. Kael gave a genuine smile that crinkled by his lips and lit his eyes with sparkles.

“It was quite nice. I enjoy the flavour and the aroma drives me insane.” He put in plain words chuckling.

“Well then. Lets add a little milk hmm.” She said as she filled the cup again and repeated her gentle movements of pouring and stirring and then throwing in a dash of milk from a small jug, lifting it up quickly as it poured to put on a bit of a show. She stirred the mixture once again and gave it back to Kael.

“Alright, try that.” She said smiling. He lifted it to his lips and let this one swirl across his tongue but had a whole new experience. This time it felt like it was gently coating his mouth.

It felt velvety and so smooth. The taste had also changed. Now it was less acrid and mellower. It had a milder taste that seemed to have a buttery hint.

He finished off the last remnants of the delicious drink and gently put the cup down. His eyes lit up again but this time it was from awe.

“I have never tasted a drink so different yet so similar. What you have here” he said motioning before him. “Is absolutely amazing and is something you should show more people.” He finished. The couple stood together and smiled humbly at his praising words.

“Thank you young man, but we only hope to serve and carry on with our small trade.” The Strav said softly.

Aella winked. “And we wouldn’t want it to be too common now would we.” She stated cheekily.

 Kael looked at them both in wonder. ‘Love, fun, humility’ he noted. ‘i hope more people are as different as they seem.’ He thought gazing between them eyes still wide. “There may be hope yet.”


just wanted to say to everyone reading from school thanks a lot :) and to tikiba and monkey3000 :)

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