
953 25 5

Requested by: gyuvae

Ship: OT5 (Beomgyu centric)
Genre: smut + fluff

Warning: omegaverse, quite long story ahead


He sighed, looking at himself in the mirror. 

'Why do I have to feel unwell on the day that we're shooting..' He thought with a frown, holding his belly as another wave of pain hit him. 

He definitely knows what the 'unwell' is. He's about to have his heat, but he don't want the shooting to postpone. 


He flinched as he heard his name, he sighed and opened the door peeking out of his room.

"Yea?" He shout back.

"Come eat breakfast!"

"Okay, in a sec hyung!" He responded back and closed his door again. He stared at himself in the mirror, taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down as he didn't want to show his members- well also his boyfriends that he's literally close to his heat.

He opened his drawer and took out a pill, he took his bottle of water and ate the pill. 

'I hope this pill can at least last me for the whole day..' He thought. 

It is a pill to prevent heat as long as possible, but the downside is that if taken too late it may not work. Beomgyu can only hope it wasn't too late when he took it.

They have to shoot today and there's no other days anymore as HYBE staffs can't find any other day for their shooting. 

"You can do it Beomgyu.." He exhaled out and left his room, walking down the hallways to the kitchen where his boyfriends are all around the island kitchen having their breakfast. 

"Beommie~ what took you so long?" 

The omega smiled and shook his head, trying to calm himself as he could smell his alphas scents. He's glad he took the heat control pill. 

"Was adjusting my outfit Kai."

"That long?" The oldest added.

"Ya was struggling with my belt." He lied with a sweet smile as he stood in between Yeonjun and Taehyun, looking at the food in front of him.

"Ooh it smells and looks good!" The omega commented happily as he took a fork and started digging in.

"You know what else smells and look good?" Beomgyu looked at Taehyun with a questioning look while the other alphas facepalmed.

"You." Taehyun said and continued eating.

Beomgyu blushed and had to contain himself, he's definitely more sensitive when he's about to have his heat. 

"Gyu why do you smell a little off?" Soobin asked confused.

Beomgyu widened his eyes and looked up at the taller. "D-do I?"

"Yea.. or maybe it's just my nose." He shrugged.

The omega gulped. "Ya it's probably just your nose."

"But I kind of smell it too though?" Yeonjun mumbled confused too. 

"M-maybe it's cause I sprayed a little perfume on my scent gland." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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