Requested by: anonymous
Ship: Taegyu
Genre: smut----
"Mum! I want it!" The boy whined loudly as his parents sighed.
"How many times do I have to say Beomgyu? You have too many sweaters already!" She scolded him.
He huffed and looked at his brother who's on the couch scrolling his phone not giving a hell. "Hyung! Please help mee~"
"Soobin don't even think of helping him." Their dad sternly said. Soobin raised his hands up, pressing his lips together.
"I'm not doing anything." He said before going back to his game.
Beomgyu groaned out and stomped his feet a little and looked back to his parents with a pout and a frown. "Dadddd please! I really like it!"
"C'mon dad! I want it! I don't have a sweater with this pattern!"
Soobin sighed and glanced at his spoiled brother and then their parents. Their mum sighed angrily and looked at her husband.
"See? This is what happens if you spoils him too much."
He frowned. "Well sometimes he does need some things!"
"Oh jesus... beom- a no is a no." Soobin spoke up, fed up with his brother's whines.
"But hyunggg!"
Soobin sighed once again. "Taehyun!" He yelled out, immediately Beomgyu shuts up and looked at his hyung with a betrayed look while Soobin gave him a smirk.
Taehyun came to the living room not long after and saw how Mr and Mrs Choi looked annoyed, while Beomgyu was silent and sulking.
"What happened?"
Mrs Choi shook his head and looked at Taehyun. "My lovely spoiled son here keeps asking us to buy a sweater for him when he already has what? Hundreds of them already."
"Mum! Stop exaggerating! It's not that many." Beomgyu argued back.
Taehyun raised an eyebrow and looked at Beomgyu who didn't dare to look at him as he pouted.
"Beomgyu you already have so many sweaters why need another one? Be grateful you even have the expensive ones too, you know I can't even afford more than 6 sweaters? And you have like almost a whole wardrobe for it." He nagged at the boy who looked down at his feet with a pout.
Mr and Mrs Choi were so thankful for Taehyun being here to help stop the whinings from their youngest son.
"So don't ask for another sweater until most of your sweaters are dying got it?" Beomgyu just huffed which is definitely not an answer that their private chef was looking for.
"Choi Beomgyu."
"F-fine.." He mumbled, playing with the hem of his grey jacket.
"Now say sorry to your parents." Taehyun crossed his arms.
"Why do I have to.."
"Just do as I say."
"What if I don't!" He whined, looking up at their private chef who glared at him.
He immediately cowered and looked at his parents with a small pout. "Sorry mum, sorry dad.." They just nodded.
"Thanks Taehyun." Mrs Choi thanked the chef.

One Dream || TXT × TXT Oneshots
Storie d'amorea book that is filled with TXT ships. -->>☆<<-- -fluff -angst -smut Note: Mostly Soobin and Beomgyu bottom