Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Katy's POV

The faint vibrating of a phone woke me up. I was currently laying next to Harry. Sore as all hell, if you catch my drift. *Wink, wink.* I finally found my phone on the ground, and picked it up, squinting as the bright light shined in my eyes. 

I had gotten a text message from an unknown number. 

"Hey babe. Good stunt you pulled over at those fags house. Try something like that again and things won't end well. See you soon.

xx Chase "

"Shit!" I accidentally yelled, loud enough to wake sleepy little Harry. "Wha-whats wrong?" He asked me, sitting up and running his fingers through his hair. I quickly tried to think of an excuse for yelling. I seriously don't want him asking me about Chase. "Oh nothing, its just that... umm.. We slept in?" I spoke, coming out more of a question then an answer. "Yeah I don't believe that, give me your phone." He replies back sternly. Holding his hand out. Lets review my options. I could give him my phone, and have to tell him the whole story. I could run out of his room, but since Louis' here, and I'm only in my bra and  panties, it's a bad idea. So I guess I'll have to distract him. I smoosh my lips on to his, hoping it will work. Sadly it doesn't, and he ends up tickling me. Evidently, I drop my phone and he grabs it and runs into the bathroom. Dammit! Why didn't I think of that? I face plant myself as he walks out of the bathroom and glares at me. This is horrible for me to say, but I can't really concentrate right now. Harry Styles is currently standing in front of me, naked. Every fangirl's dream. Just kidding. But seriously. I'm distracted. "Erm, Harry? Mind putting some pants on?" I looked up to him, he still looked pissed but had a slight smile on his face. He walked over to his dresser and put on a pair of white and blue Calvin Klein boxers. "Better?" He asked me, snapping the band of the pants. "Yeah." I replied, playing with my fingers. 

Harry sat down next to me and played with my hair. After a few moments of silence he spoke up. "So are you going to tell me whats going on with that Chase dude? And why he called me a fag?" I looked right up at him, his face looks calm, but I can tell there's something going on in his mind. I simply shake my head 'no'. His face drops into a frown. He started rubbing my back, but I shrugged him off. I'm not going to go through this again. 

"Harry, I've had a rough past. I'm really not interested in telling anyone. Anytime soon. So, please drop it. Theres's no reason to be pissed about it. I can handle it. I have to go." I grabbed my dress off the floor and quickly put it on. I took my phone from the bed, grabbed my shoes. And left his room. Just like that. I walked out of the house, heels clacking and everything. Into a swarm of paparazzi, and fans. Oh god. Not again!

"Katy! What were you doing at Louis and Harry's flat?"

"Just visiting!" I replied with a smile.

"But arn't you and Harry dating?"

I rolled my eyes. Thank god for my sunglasses err Harry's sunglasses. "Oh heavens no! We are just friends!" I replied in the nicest tone, waiting for the cab to pull over.

"Have a nice day Katy!"  I heard some fans yell. Jeez, why are they stalking me? I'm nothing special. I waved back at them with a smile, and told the driver to speed up. I rested my head on the back of the seat. Lets just pray this doesn't make front cover.


A/N- Hey guys! Sorry this chappie is extremely short. I'm having a bad case of writers block. But I have spring break this week so I'll try my best to post! I have good news tho! I'm going to Europe for 19 days in the summer! Don't worry, it's next year, but its still exciting! How are you guys? Anyways, 10 more votes until next chapter (:


Stay gorgeous<3

-xx Lexi

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