Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Katy's POV

*1 week later (Thursday)*


So today I had a photo-shoot, it was really different from the first one I did out here. We went to this mansion type thing and just took pictures! I had a lot of fun! Its been really hard  but, I've been successful in ignoring the boys. I know it sounds rough, but I didn't come here for them. After a lot of thinking, I've decided to shut them off completely. I know, I'm stupid! Why the hell would a girl want to ignore One Direction? Simple. I don't want them getting hurt. I know they have tight security, but who knows what goes on in that fucked up mind of Chase's!  He's been sending me texts threatening the boys if I keep hanging out with them, so I'm leaving them alone. No matter how much it hurts to see Zayn calling me and sending me texts to please answer him, or Niall calling Candice to have her tell them what's going on, I can't give in. I know I should probably give them some type of explanation, but that would definitely make things worse. 

So that leads me here. Walking down the sidewalk. I don't have a specific place of where I'm going to go, I just need to clear my head. I noticed that the sky is dimming, and dark clouds are over head. Shit! It better not rai-spoke too soon. I'm currently getting soaked with the droplets of water.  Shit! I notice a bakery just across the road. I run into it and sit at a nearby table, still soaking wet. Great. Remind me to bring an umbrella next time I go for a walk. Now I know why people say London has shitty weather. I run my hand through my hair, and search for my phone in my purse, praying that it hasn't gotten wet. I notice someone walk over near me. But I ignore it, probably just another customer. "Is this seat taken love?" The same person asks me, but with an extremely familiar accent. Oh god. Please please no. I slowly look up and sure enough, it's Harry. He smiles down at me and takes a seat. If Chase see's this we are all dead. I mumble I have to go and start to get up, but he grabs my arm and guides me outside to his car. "Harry! I can't go with you. Let me out of this car!" I tried opening the door but it must of been child locked, considering it won't open. He didn't say anything, just buckled his seat belt and drove off- a little to fast. I sighed and slumped back into the seat. It's pretty comfortable. "Put your seat belt on." Harry said to me. Did I seriously piss them off that much? Okay, I can answer that myself. Yes. "Harry, listen, I'm sorry I kind of just ignored you guys! I have a really good reason why! Just please let me out of the car." He looked at me for a split second, and put his eyes back on the road. "I know that fucker Chase has still been threatening you." How did he find that out? I mean the text message he read could of gave it away. But how does he know that's still going on? Play it cool Katy. "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." I twirled my hair in between my fingers, hoping I did't look as nervous as I felt. "Cut the bull Katy. Candice told us. She's seen the messages." Eh. Probably wasn't the best idea to tell her. I really need to think before I say things. 

"Okay, so you know. But where the hell are we going? I'd much rather be in my pajamas, in my nice big warm bed, watching netiflix. Not soaked sitting in a car on my way to someplace I don't know." I explained to him. Seriously, if he know's what chase is saying, wouldn't he be smart enough to stay away? Jeez. Sometimes he can be a bit stupid. "I'm taking you to Zayns flat. And we aren't scared of him. He's going to get what he deserves." His knuckles were turning white since he was gripping the steering wheel so tight. I'm actually kind of scared. He look's extremely pissed and he's driving really fast. I sat right up and put my seat belt on, just as a car came speeding, and crashed into us. I heard screaming and I felt blood trickling down my head, but that's the last thing I remember, until all I saw was darkness.


; )  Okay, this chapter is way better than the last. I'm gonna be honest. That chapter was shit. But this one i feel is a lot better!! Okay, so if you haven't guessed, they've been in a crash! Oh No! 10 votes until next chapter!!

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Stay amazing! <3

XoXo Lexi <3

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