Chapter 25

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Katy's POV

I hung up my phone and quickly wrapped my arms around Harry, closing the door, I shooed him in the kitchen, shushing him. Making sure we don't wake up my mom.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I couldn't get into my hotel."

"Why...?" I wondered.

"Screaming girls. Everywhere." He laughed nervously.

I rolled my eyes and went over to the fridge, looking into oblivion. This is exactly what I didn't need. Harry coming over. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled, but at the same time I'm not.

"You okay..?" Harry trailed on, "You're staring into a fridge.."

"Normal people stare into fridges." I reassured him.

"No. No I don't think they do. Well normal sane people don't." He laughed, leaning onto the counter opposite me, and crossing his arms. Smiling that smug smile he does. The one with the dimples and the jaw thing that makes him look like an asshole but incredibly hot at the same time. Why.

I closed the refrigerator and leaned into the island. "Now Mr.Styles, you sir, are in my house. You may not question my normality nor ponder if I am indeed sane or not." I

smirked, trying to give him that sexy stare I give the camera during shoots. I probably looked like an idiot considering it's 3 am but wey hey me no care.

"You know you look beautiful without makeup on." He said, uncrossing his arms. I looked down and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I muttered out a thank you, and grabbed an apple from a bowl. I hated when someone randomly complimented me. Don't ask why it just makes me feel self conscious.

I looked up at Harry to see home smiling at me, a real genuine smile. I must of been staring because he cleared his throat and laughed a little. Shit.

"Um so you need a place to stay?" I asked, trying to play off the fact I was staring at him, and bit into my apple.

"If you don't mind." Harry said walking over to me, grabbing my apple and taking a bite.

"Uh yeah no problem. My moms asleep in my room so your options are my couch-"I pointed to a couch piled with clothes and boxes." -or the guest bed." He laughed and shook his head.

"Tomorrow, I'm helping you unpack. But I'll take the guest room." I pointed to an open door with a dim light coming from it.

"Good night babe." He gave me a kiss on the forehead, winked and walked into the room, quietly closing the door.

My phone again vibrated. Snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked to see it was a text.

From: Harry the sexiest guy alive

Care for a snuggle? (-; xxH

I blushed and shuffled over to the guest room, and snuggled under the covers, cuddling close to Harry. I felt his strong arms wrap around me before I fell into a peaceful sleep.


I woke to the sound of laughter and the smell of bacon. I turned over to see the bed empty, beside me of course, and the door slightly ajar.

I then remembered that my mother was also here and shot right up. Shit!

I practically sprinted out of the room, to see Harry and my mom conversing over tea and my mother making bacon.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" My mom smiled, handing me a cup of tea. I gave Harry my usually what the fuck look. Before he had the chance to reply I heard vivid screaming coming from outside. I gave him a quick glare before going to the window.

I have never seen nor heard, so many screaming teenage girls in my life.

"Harry. What. The. Fuck." I yelled.

"First, language dear. Second, I'm sorry but I guess they found me..?" He went on, "I tried to tell them I wasn't here but I was caught looking out the window, so more showed up. I'm sorry kate. I promise I'll fix it!" He said, sympathetically. He always has this way of making everything okay. Even if there are hundreds of screaming girls outside my apartment. I rolled my eyes and smiled, reaching for the cup of coffee my mom had made me.

"Yeah I hope so!" I laughed out before taking a sip of my steaming drink.

"So Kathryn, why didn't you tell me Harold was coming over?" My mom said giving me a motherly look. She has a tendency of calling people by their full name.

"Well um you see I'm uh..." I stuttered. "Yeah I have no excuse for this one. Sorry?" I smiled like a child.

"Whatta ya sorry for! He's a doll!" My mom replied, squeezing Harry's cheeks. I shook my head and excused myself to take a shower.

I suddenly felt a wave of nausea, and I just made it to the toilet in time.



Hellooooooo! Okay so its summer now and I can update more! Im a shit person I know i apologize.... But heres chapter 25! I hope you like it (:

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