Chapter. six

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"Have you got everything packed?"

"Yes Vic stop acting like my mother and be my best friend, I have all I need."

"Good and it's not your time of the month right?"
He joked.

"Fuck you Vic."

"Oh someone's pms-ing."

"Vic stop it or I swear I'll cut off your junk and feed it to monkeys."

"Oh I'm so scared haha." he chuckled and threw my bag at him but he caught it instead.
I stuck my tounge and walked passed him, going outside hopping into the divers seat. He put my bag in the back and came round, opening the door.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Driving, thank you." I said and snatched the keys.

"Uh, thank you." he said snatching them back. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest sulking. "Why are you so god damn cute? Now move."

"Well you got cold very quickly." I said in a grumpy tone and moved over, then he said something that ruined my mood a little.

"If you put on a happy face, I'll kiss you Kelly bear." he spoke playfully punching my arm. He started laughing but I just put my seat belt on and looked out the Window. I feel like I can't even be my usual self anymore. I can't joke without him bringing up or relating something to do with the fact that I kissed him. So what, I kissed my best friend in the heat of the moment it was my fault just as much as his, he was so close. I thought that maybe it would have been put behind us but no, he just has to bring it up and bring down my mood.

We sat in silence for about an hour. I looked at Vic from the corner of my eye from time to time, I saw he was glancing in my direction from time to time. Then the silence was broken.

"Kells... I'm sorry, for what I said."

"Hm." was my response.

He stopped the car.

"Don't be like this."

"Don't be like what?"

"Childish, yeah you kissed me but it's not my fault that you have a crush on me."

"Excuse me? I have a crush on you? Haha that's funny, I don't see you as anything apart from a friend. You're my best friend Vic and that's all. I only kissed you because deep down I know you wanted to, just face it already and stop bringing that fact up."

"Kellin I'm trying my hardest here... just forget it, you wanna go home?"

"No... you still owe me some well needed best friend time." I said with a slight smile, he smirked and we both got out of the car. He grabbed the bags just as his parents pulled up behind us.

What? We're still teenagers so we still need parental supervison, only Vic and I are sharing a room.

"The thing is, theres only one bed." Vic spoke as we got to our room.

"That's alright I'll take th3 sofa." I shrugged.

"No need, we can share. Best friends do that."

"True, it will be the ultimate sleepover... in a hotel."

"Yup, get dressed now so we can go play paintball."

"Alright but I'm not being on the same team as you."

"That makes the game more fun." he sang.
I decided to go Camo. It's very common but bleh.

"Camo really?"

"Yes and what are you supposed to be?"

"Terminator... kinda."

"Lets go." I said and headed out the door.


I love the feeling. Hiding behind a fake rock waiting for the unexpected. I have like three more team mates that are alive. Luckily we trashed Vic's team, he has one team member left and he's pretty bad ass. I looked up quickly to see the rest of my team dead. Great, I'm a dead man walking. I ran over searching for Vic. Man I love paintballing. I was running and looking behind me and ended up running straight into Vic.

"Last man standing?" He asked



"Go ahead shoot me." I said defeatedly  holding my hands up.

"See thats too easy." he said and stepped closer, placing his hands on my hips. Seconds later his lips crashed with mine. It was wrong, I knew that. But I don't know, something felt right about it. But it didn't fully click with me. I decided to have some fun after kissing him back. I raised my gun and pulled the trigger. He lightly jumped and I smirked.

"I win." I said in his ear and pulled away. His jaw dropped completely but he soon laughed as I got my medal.


"Say it!" I demanded.


"Say it, say it, say it!" I said repeatedly jumping on him.

"You're.. killing.. me." he said and rolled over pushing me off of him. I fell to the floor.
"Fat ass."

"Fat ass that you kissed, by the way what was up with that. Why did you kiss me?"

"Because I felt like it. Problem?" He said a bit coldly.

"Nope." I said.


"Do you plan on doing it again?"


"Good." I said and straddled him, wrapping my arms around his neck and crashing my lips with his. He kissed back instantly placing his hands on my hips. He rolled over so he was on top of me. This made him kiss me much deeper. He rolled his hips into mine but I kept myself together and stopped him before things got further.

"You have a girlfriend." I stated. He sighed and rolled off of me.

"Buzz kill."

"Cheater." We both laughed and he turned and draped his arm over my stomach. We went silent for a while and his hand was slowly moving down.

"Vic." I said in a warnig tone

"Yes." he said innocently

"Move your hand and be my best friend."

"You do this to me you know."

"No I don't."

"Um hm, yes you do."

"Whatever, not my fault you want me so bad."

"I can't deny that anymore."

"Wait so are you gay, bi, what?"

"Gay, fully gay I don't even know how I ended up with Danielle she is so fucking annoying!"

"Dump her."

"I will, so you're gay, why didn't you ever tell me."

"Didn't know how you'd take it really."

"Well, now you do." he said and pecked my lips.

It's weird but okay at the same time. At least now we can be happy together.


Bleh, here is your update. Sorry for rhe wait. My new kellic is up. Its called: She's Really A Guy 《Kellic》and I actually enjoy writing it better than this so go check that out if you want.

Vote and comment please

Love you guys


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