Chapter. Nine**

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TainaGrant123456789 if you try and strangle me again because what I did to Kellin I will suffocate the life outta you!.... love you too :p .

I lay in bed, lifeless just staring at my bedroom door. My body is just slumped on my bed. It's been two weeks since I lost my best friend and gone to school, what's the point. It's not like the friends I don't have are gonna miss me. At this point my mom came into my room.

"Kellin, sweetie?" She started. Like I'm gonna even bother to answer. "Kellin, you need to get up and go to school. It's been two weeks" she said softly.

Then as I was about to speak, my voice cracked and not the crying cracking it just cracked and sounded weird. I coughed a little- actually I coughed a lot and then felt sad again and cried. That's all I've been doing. Crying.

"I'm sick" I lied ha, I'm not sick. Mom placed her hand on my forehead.

"Oh my god you are, wait hold on" she said and got up. Oh no, last time she did this and I wasn't actually sick she came back with a bucket full of water. However this time she came back with a thermometer for the mouth and the ear one.

"Oh my poor baby your temperature is so high, don't worry about school today. You're staying home" she said and pulled the covers over me. "Get lots of sleep, drink plenty of water and please... Don't think about Vic" she spoke softly and left my room. I soon fell asleep.


Curse you fucking doorbell. Why is someone bothering me while I am a very sick boy today. Why? Just why? Ugh! I wanna curl up and sleep in a little fuzzy ball of warmth but no! Someone just has to keep ringing the door bell and won't stop! I opened the door.

"One fucking minute! could you not wait for on fucking minute stop ringing the damn- Vic?" I started coughing as soon as I said his name. Why is he here! I've been standing up for too long because my head went all dizzy and my knees started to give out, I would have fallen if Vic didn't catch me. Great first he's dumping me now he's catching me. Just fucking great! He took me inside and to my room where I fell asleep.


I woke up- nope, I was woken up by someone lightly nudging me. I eyes slowly opened and revealed Vic with food. Tomato soup to be precise. We didn't speak, I ate the soup, then he took the bowl away and then came back but stood by the door frame. Staring at me, but I wasn't looking at him. I was sat up staring at the floor, he's the last person I wanted to talk to.

"Look at me." he spoke but I didn't look at him I just kept staring at the floor. "Please kels." Still staring at the floor. He came over and sat on my bed. I still kept staring at the floor as tears sprung to my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of him, I really didn't but I just couldn't hold back my tears.

"Please, don't cry Kellin. I'm sorry for what I said but you were being ridiculous."

"Just leave Vic."

"No, not until we talk properly."

"I don't wanna talk. There's nothing to talk about we're not even friends anymore so just leave."

"I'm not leaving, I'm staying here. Kellin you need to let me in."

"Let you in, we were best friends but now you say you're in love with me and I don't like that. I don't like it at all."

"Why are you so apposed to me being in love with you?" He asked like he didn't know what my reasonings would be.

"Because love doesn't exist. It doesn't mean anything it's just a word which has a following word which is: heartbreak. The word love is a lie and I don't like that word and I don't want it used apon me and now we can't be friends because it won't be the same and I will get hurt and so will you."

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