Chapter. Twelve

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Oh my god! Sorry for taking like 10 years to update I was working on my other Kellic that I made to kinda replace this. It's called She's Really A Guy 《Kellic》 so check that out if you want. Two-three more chaapters left depending on how this goes.

Guess who gets to go home? I do mother fuckers, I will miss this place but I promised nana that I'd visit soon and she wants Vic to come so that means, pretend Vic is sick so he can't come and take Jesse to be his new best friend. Yes I am that jealous/protective. Vic is my territory and and I'm very territorial. I'm in such I goid mood today though I up and helping nana with breakfast. I'm so nice.

"Kellin, stay away from the oven because you'll start a fire."

"Nana, I'm not that stupid."

"Whatever, see if the orange juice is cold enough and squeeze two more lemonsnfor the lemonade."

"Alright." I did as I was told. I love nana's orange juice and lemonade. "Done."

"Thank you for your help Kellin. I'm gonna wake up grandpa, put the melon balls into the fruit salad."

"Sure nana." I said and and went over to the two bowls and but the melon balls into the fruit salad. Once I was done I smiled and accidentally dropped a spoon. I went to pick it up and knocked over the bowl of fruit salad. "Shit" I mumbled to myself. I grabbed onto the counter to get up as I slipped on a melon ball, the oven glove went onto the stove that was on and caught on fire. "Uh oh" I said as a fire started. "Nana I need some help please!" I shouted as I tried to blow out the fire andnt was doing nothing.

"Holy shit." I heard nana curse before rushing over. "Water, water. Get water" she said and I did only I slipped on some fruit and the glass of water went flying, my hand hit the cream pie that was on the side which also went up in the air. I looked up and saw it coming, within seconds the pie was in the air then splattered on me. Finalky the fire was put out andni stood up and wipped the cream from my eyes and licked my lips.

"Nice pie nana..." I said with a slight chuckle, she glared at me.

"Kellin why didn't yo- what the fuck?" Vic said, walking into the kitchen.

"Lemonade?" I asked awkwardly, holding up the jug of lemonade.


"Welcome back pie face."

"Shut up, Vic."

"You looked cute with pie all over you."

"Hush child. On the plus said my hair smells like pie... why is that? I washed it."

"You must of used the shampoo that has pie essence." My nana answered bitterly,

"Didn't know there was such a thing. Nana I'm really sorry."

"Kellin, next time you wanna be helpful do me one thing?" She said smiling warmly at me.

"Yes nana?"

"Sit your fucking ass down and keep your mouth shut!" She napped at me. I feel so... little. My nana is short yet very, very intimidating. I kinda sluncked into my chair and ate my waffle.


"Mom!" I exclaimed hugging her tightly.

"You're in a good mood."

"Nana's gonna kill me so we should go."

"Woah, what?"

"Mom, long story. I started a fire and nana wants to kill me end of now let us go."

"You started a fire!?"

"Yes what part of I started a fire did you not understand now let us go."

"Kellin stoo rushing me I'd like to talk to my parents. Go play with Jesse."

"Mom, I'm 16 I don't 'play' I chill."

"Okay go chill with Jesse."

"Ugh mom you're too old to use the word chill parents these days." I said rolling my eyes. "And I'm not talking to Jesse right now so..., VIC! Get your fat ass out here!" I shouted and he appeared.


"We're to go and chill with Jesse while mother here talks to nana."



Worst idea ever. Now I get to watch both my best friends become best friends and it's horrible well time to split them two up. I went and sat right in between then and took the game controller from Vic.

"You two stop being so gay, please?"

"Kellin, you don't play video games."

"I do now."

Five minutes later

"This sucks!"

"No, you suck. Give the controller back to Vic." Jesse said.

"Whatever, im getting a drink."

"Get one for me kells? You're the best" Jesse said. "Oh and one for Vic too."

"You know what, Vic I need to talk to you."


"Something important. "


"Me fucking your mom now come on." I replied and he got up and followed me out into the hallway.

"What's so important?"

"You're not acknowledging me."

"What? Yes I am."

"Ugh! Just go chill with your new best friend, I'll be in my mom's car waiting." I said and went to to butnhe grabbed my wrists.

"You're jealous. "

"No I'm just territorial, that's all."

"Well I'm not your property yo know, I'm a human just like you."

"Vic I didn't mean it like-"

"Whatever Kellin."

"Woah don't you go turing this around on me mister."

"Oh im sorry, I forgot you're my owner."

"You're being childish."

"You're the definition or childish." He shot back.

"Take that back."


"Take it back or... or..."

"Or what?"

"I don't know."

"Stop being so jealous of me and Jesse. You're number one and always will be."

"Not always. There'll come a day when you see that Jesse is cooler than me and I don't want that."

"baby, all I want is you."

"No, shut up."

"Kellin your mom's here." Jesse called out. We said our goodbyes and left to go back home.

On the car ride home Vic laced our hands together. I looked down at them and then up and him who was staring out the window. I looke forward through that little drives mirror thingy to see my mom looking at our hands and smirking. I yanked mynhand away from his and just stared out the window untill I fell asleep.


Again sorry for taking forever to update.

Thanks for reading.

Love you all.

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