Chapter. Eight

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My best friend has a crush on me. I have a crush on my best friend. I'm breaking too many rules here. I've kissed my best friend; Vic, multiple times and it's wrong. But two rules still stand and I do not plan on breaking them. Forget the rest of the rules, there are only two left.

1. Do not date or have sex with your best friend.

2. Don't fall in love with your best friend. Love; does not exist!

I don't care what anyone says. Love doesn't exist. Love is just a word you use to manipulate people. I mean I love pop tarts, doesn't mean I'm gonna take it up to my room and get it out of its frosting now does it. No. I don't love Vic I just like him; a lot and he is highly attractive but he's still my best friend. It's okay for me to break my rules but him, it is not. He's not allowed to fall for me, he just can't. Why can't he like that Austin guy, he's sexy as fuck... actually he's too sexy for Vic, I wouldn't like nor approve of that relationship.

What? I'm his best friend, I get a say in his relationships and I do not approve of him even looking at me in a romantic way. I mean making-out is fine. He's such a great kisser, I can give him that. His soft, sweet lips harmonising with mine in a sw- ugh! No! I am not allowed to be thinking about kissing my best friend, it's wrong yet so right. Finally a distraction! doorbells are now the best things ever invented.

"Kellin, we need to talk."

"Ugh Vic. Why are you here." I didn't mean to give him attitude but my mouth failed me.

"Attitude much? Like I said we need to talk."

"Ugh fine" I said and took a very un-needed dramatic breath. "I guess you can come in.. actually no, we have school to attend wait here while I get my bag." I said and left him at the door, returning shortly and getting into his car.

"Look Kellin I-"

"Hey can we stop at Starbucks and not have the conversation that's waiting and go back to being normal best friends?" I really didn't want to reject him so it's best if we just drop the subject.

"No I am not taking you to starbucks, you're hyper enough as it is."

"Ex-squeeze me, I am not hyper im just... myself really."

"Did you jusy sa-"

"Let's just go to school dude."

"Bu-" I cut him off by quickly kissing him.

"Now will you shut up?"

"Y-yeah sure." he stuttered and I laughed then he drove us to school.


It was lunch. Everything about lunch is horrible. The food is actually okay sometimes but I just don't like lunch and I had a bad feeling about it for a while. I was sitting at mine and Vic's usual table by myself waiting for Vic. I looked up and saw him with Danielle at her table, they both stood up hugged and now he's walking over here.

"Wicked bitch of the west brainwash you again?"

"You really hate her don't you?"

"Hate is a very strong word so, yeah."

"What about love?"

"Love is false and always will be."

"Well you know what I love? I love frosting." he said, dipping his finger into my frosted cupcake.

"Hey! Well I love... uh... frosting in your face." I said shoving the frosted cupcake in his face. He gasped and stood up screeching the chair across the floor.

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