Chapter. Two

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"How is everything?" My counselling teacher asked me.

"Same as it was ten minutes ago. Fine." I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Do you yet feel able to open up to the world? Just know you have a choice to do so, this school doesn't tolerate homophobia" he told me.

"Look, I am fully aware that I can be open about my sexuality and I am also aware of the consequences. I'm not shy or scared about being open, I just don't feel it's anyone's business whether I'm gay or not and quite frankly I don't want people to know especially not v-" I stopped myself.

"So... there's someone who's stopping you from being open? Kellin you can tell me anything you know. It's fully confidential"

"It's Vic. He's my best friend and telling him would be weird"

"How would it be weird"

I gave him a look as if to say 'you should know'

"Well, why am I here?"

"Kellin, it's not your fault that you're a flirtatious person."

"Well if he found he'll probably make out that I have a crush on him."

"Well do you?"

"Ew no. Me have a crush on Vic, my best friend? I don't think so."

That's like breaking the rules; dating your best friend. It's so wrong because you could jeprodize a very good friendship with feelings and that's just wrong.

"Anyways are time is up for this session."

"Oh really? Darn I wanted to stay and talk about my feelings." I said with full sarcasm.

"Haha very funny. Goodbye Mr. Quinn."

"Funny indeed. Goodbye Mr. Fernández"
I said and got up, leaving the room and into the halls of death. Also known as school -filled with many, many people- Then my knees weakened, as my back gained weight.

"Arugh, Vic get off me you fat ass."

"Hey! I have feelings ya' know." he said trying to sound hurt.

"Hey, I'm not being mean, I'm being honest."

" the Music room!" He shouted.

"Dude I'm being serious, you're crushing my back, now please get off me." I said just as my knees gave in and I fell to the floor with Vic falling on top of me.

"Well I usually go on a date first but sure." he joked, as our faces were centimetres apart. I laughed.

"Ew Vic germs. Get off me."

"Whatever gaylord."

"Well I'm a Lord so I'll take it."

He stuck his tounge out so I did the same in return. He's such a loser at times and its hilarious.
We got to the Music room quicker than usual. It's both our favourite lesson and not just because we're awesome at music but because all we do is joke and mess around. But who can blame us. The teacher's called Mr. Bender. Who wouldn't make fun of that? Apart from the people that haven't met me and still have innocent souls.

"Alright class, I'm not in the mood for any or your bull- nonsense so look around and find something to do."

Vic turned to face me. "Well I found something to do." he said with a cheeky, playful smirk. We both bursted out laughing.

I got up and went over to the microphones. I can only play one instrument other than vocals and that's a Trumbone, but I stick to vocals. I write my own songs but they're all crappy but I love to sing so I started singing one.

'I'm sitting on the edge
A thousand stars burning in the sky up over head
How could it get more beautiful than this?
And it made me think of when
When in my life have I ever felt more infinite
And could I ever back there again?

It's the way it goes-'

"What is that?" Vic cut me off.

"Uh... just something I made up in my spare time."

"You sing?"

"Uh... yeah."

"Well Kellin... that's so gay" he said only didn't it sound like he was joking like he usually does and honestly that hurt a little. But I tried to push that aside and faked a small laugh. But that didn't last long.


I was in english class sitting next to Vic, bored as ever. Apparently I've been a little off with him today but I don't think so. Or maybe I am but just don't realise it.

"Hey Vic, whats your favourite thing to do?" I asked.

"Um, mines being creative."

"What? I don't understand."

"That's because you're not thinking creatively."

Then I realised what he was doing.

"Ugh no please just no. Don't put the horrible memory of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared back in my head please." I whined covering my face with my hands.

"Alright I'll stop there." he said laughing"

"Help me with the work."

"You need to anaylize the poem and compare two of them like this.." he said showing me his book.

"How'd you even do that?"

"Well Kellin, you know its easy to be a clever smart boy like me when you do it all digi-"

"Fucking stop it!" I shouted.

"Ahem Mr. Bostwick, detention." the teacher interrupted.

"Shit.. I-i mean... sorry." I said and earned a glare. I was handed a slip and then Vic bursted out laughing.

"It's not funny!"

"You're right. Its fucking hilarious."

"You're an ass." I muttered and got on with the work, as did Vic.


After detention Vic drove me home as he waited for me. He's so sweet like who even does that? That's right the most awesomest best friend does. Once home I headed to my room and actually did my homework for once in my life.


Short chapter but just a filler as im planning the rest of them now. Hope you all enjoy this and a special thank you to @zoe_johnson8 as she's come from reading my Perrentes to reading my Kellic so thank you.

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