Chapter. Seven

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The whole weekend was amazing. It's weird though. Having my best friend as a sort of secret lover you know? But I have to say he's a very good kisser and I have broken many rules but the one  rule I will not break is the daiting rule. You do not date your best friend no matter how strong the feelings you have towards them are. If you date your best friend then you're breaking major rules simple as that. My problem is... I have a slight crush on Vic now and to be completely honest... I don't want to. Half the time we act like we're in a relationship but now we're making out and stuff and I don't know... it feels weird but great at the same time.

"Kellin! Lovely to see you again." My counselling teacher greeted me as I walked Into his office. I didn't answer. I huffed and sat down. Today isn't a good day. My hair didn't want to be nice so I wore a beanie, my pop tart came out burnt from the toaster, my jeans shrunk in the wash so I have to wear different ones, I lost a shoe and had to witness the most grossest make out session between Vic and 'dan dan' and ugh! I didn't get any sleep!

"What's got you in a mood?"

"Bad day."

"Come on, get it all off your chest?" he spoke. I don't know what it was but I got so emotional tears sprung at my eyes as I basically broke down.

" My hair didn't want to be nice so I wore a beanie, my pop tart came out burnt from the toaster, my jeans shrunk in the wash so I have to wear different ones, I lost a shoe and had to witness the most grossest make out session between Vic and frickin bitch witch of the west, I didn't get any fucking sleep and I'm falling for my best friend which is wrong you know how I feel about those kind of rules, I'm not allowed to break them and I am. Most of the weekend consisted of me and Vic making out and now... now im falling for the one person I shouldn't and I don't know what to do. And I'm crying like a fucking bitch boy and I don't even know why!"

"Woah okay, calm down. You like Vic, that's okay."

"No it's not. He's my best friend! You don't crush on your best friend."

"But isn't the main rule not to date your best friend."

"Well yeah."

"Kellin let me tell you something. When I was your age I had a crush on my best friend and we ended up dating."

"And it went well, you got married. Is she your wife?"

"Nope. She ripped my heart out into tiny pieces."

"And how the fuck is that supposed to make me feel better!"

"Oh I wasn't trying to make you feel better, I'm telling you stick to your rules and nobody will get hurt."

Yeah. Nobody but Vic

"Thanks sir, like always you've done nothing to help me. See you next week." I said as the bell rang and got up to leave but he stopped me.

"Kellin... I'm breaking a lot of rules here but... Talk to Vic."


"I'm breaking rules for you so break some for me and talk to him. You're not the only one falling for his best friend... you're free to leave now."

I left. Slightly shocked, slightly confused but then I saw vic and 'dan dan' walking towards me.

"Hey Kel-"

"You have a crush on.... Paintball."

"Paintball.... Oh."

"W-we need to talk."


"B-but... I need space for a while."


"I just... I need to go." I said and walked past both of them and headed to the office to say im sick and go home. I don't like this at all. He can't just... no. I need to sleep. This day just keeps getring worse.


"Sweetie what was that all about."

"I have to break up with you."

"Woah, no you don't."

"Look, I don't like you okay. This thing between us is over alright."

"But why, I like you a lot an-"

"I'm gay sunshine. I wanted to make Kellin jealous and it's ruined a lot of things and I can't keep using him anymore."

"How long have you liked him?"

"From the day I laid eyes on him, I love him Danielle."

"Then what are you waiting for. Go get him."

"It might be too late.." I said quietly and walked off to my lesson of Music. Class is boring without him and I know its wrong to just start crushing on your best friend but well it started as a crush when I met him. He's just so cute and adorable and I just love everything about him. I've tried blocking my feelings for him but it's impossible when you know you're in love with him.
It's just, now he knows my feelings for him and that could ruin a lot. I don't want to hurt him, thats the last thing I want to do. But I feel like him knowing is like betrayal. I'm supposed to be his best friend not someone he can be in a relationship with. He said we needed to talk but he also needs time to cool off and I will be patient. For him.


And everything comes out with sight drama in the next chapter. Sadly this will be ending soon as I'm cutting it short. I'm not even fully sure but it might end on chapter ten or twelve.

Thanks for reading

Vore and please, please, please comment.

Love you all


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