September the first

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Hermione leaped out of bed so felicitous to hear that bothersome, but agitating sound of the alarm clock. It was the first of September the first day of Hogwarts for her fourth year, which Hermione utterly enjoyed, particularly with her friends Harry and Ron and the inflammation of their dangerous missions.

But Hermione being Hermione she was still concerned about her education and how the problems which she helps to solve every year would affect that so she thought hopefully this year will be a little unlike and a little more normal and stiller than the former years but as we know that would never take place.

She soared downstairs collecting her bags which she had packed the night before perfectly and fully organized and passed out the door as fast as her legs could carry her. Her parents laughed and attempted to keep up with her, but they struggled.

As shortly as they were in the car they tied their seat belts while Hermione just about handled to heave her profound bags into the boot of the car not wanting to asking for help. She swayed her aching arms and seated down comfortably.

"So are you excited for your new year darling?" Mr Granger asked to pursue by Mrs Granger laughing softly and responding to a question which was not directed at her.

"Of course she is can't you tell by her behavior?" Hermione smiled and proceeded to gaze out of the window, she was rather delirious, but also quite anxious about the even tougher classes but even more panic-struck as to the danger this year would bring.

When the Grangers arrived at the train station Hermione had a absolved view of the Weasleys, so she raced towards them and Ginny acknowledged her and gave her a favorable hug and a vast smile.

"Hi, how was your summer, Hermione?"

"It was striking! I got to watch many Muggle movies bought lots of amazing things and i-" but Hermione intermitted as she realized Ginny wasn't paying attention to her.

She was concentrating behind Hermione and when she faced back in the same direction she saw Harry. "Hi Harry where did you go, didn't you come with Ron?"

"Yeah, I did, I only went to see something George was showing me, a newspaper. It's a really interesting story."

"Really can you tell me once we are on the train?" Asked Hermione peculiarly.

Harry nodded and just then Mrs Weasley informed everyone it was time to part. Hermione assembled her bags and prevailed tardily into the immense brick wall with the nerves developing firmer, she concluded her eyes promptly and when she opened them infront of her was the Hogwarts Express.

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