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It was nearly 8 o'clock in the evening and Hermione was sitting in the common room starting on her homework determined not to fall asleep and finish it all when Ron and Harry were walking out.

"Excuse me? Shouldn't you be doing your homework for potions it's due tomorrow!"

"Well you can tell that to Snape, he's only gone and gave us detentions!" Ron explained angrily,

"No! And Draco didn't even get punished" Hermione said with her hands over her mouth.

"That is what I said" Ron muttered. They took a look at Hermione's furious face one more time and walked out nervously to Snape's office. Once they were there they knocked with their quivering hands and walked inside.

"Welcome Potter and Weasley" Snape disgusted and beaming voice nearly making Ron and Harry jump out their skins with shock, before they could speak Snape spoke.

"Now for your detention, you will be cleaning out ALL the cauldrons used this week."

They were relieved hugely as since it was the first week and it had only been a few days there wouldn't be much and it wouldn't take long with magic.

"Without magic." He continued which made them both gasp but that wasn't all as they followed Snape into the potions class there were enough dirty cauldrons to fill the chamber of secrets.

"How the bloody hell are we going to do this Harry!" Ron whispered in his ear not noticing that Snape had already left the room. And as soon as they realised he had gone Ron spoke again.

"Well we might get away with using magic!" Ron said answering his own question.

"Really I don't think so!" Harry's beaming voice said followed by Ron thinking for a moment and then nodding. They walked to the cauldrons and started cleaning and cleaning until their hands were dirty and aching.

"This is awful." Ron looked at his red hands and wiped the sweat of his forehead with his other hand which happened to have dirt on.

"Erm Ron you've got like a whole spread of dirt on you forehead now!" Harry said with a chuckle.

"What, oh" Ron said followed by rubbing his temple with his clean but sore hand but managed to spread it even more. Harry smirked and continued with the work, once they had done Snape came back in the room immediently and inspected the cauldrons.

"Hmm" he spoke quietly not knowing how to complain about it as Ron and Harry had made sure they had cleaned them perfectly not leaving a single spot of dirt as they knew he would try exceedingly hard to find a reason to make them clean more.

"Did you do it with magic?" Snape questioned,

"No! Of course not sir" Ron said quickly with crimson cheeks hoping he would believe them. His eyes twitched and he shouted legilimens at Harry and suddenly the last two hours of Harry's life from his memories flashbacked in front of him and Snape.

It was exactly what they did over the two hours and this was quite strange to Harry especially seeing Ron's bewildered face who had no idea what Snape was doing and was quite worried. A minute later the spell stopped and his flashbacks faded away.

"Hmm, so you didn't use magic. Right you can both go." He said disappointed and let them out.

"What happened there?!" Ron asked curiously, Harry thought for a moment and then figured it out.

"He used a spell to look inside my mind to see what we did."

"What! There's a spell for that? That was unfair, what if he saw your other private memories! He can't be trusted you know." Harry nodded agreeing with him.

"I know but it wasn't like I had a choice, anyway it's done now let's go."

Hermione was just finishing her homework and heading to her dormitory when she saw Ron and Harry come in with dirty and quite swollen hands.

"Wow, I'm guessing you had to clean. A lot!" Hermione asked, they both nodded and yawned at the same time.

"Ermm Ron please clean your forehead, you have dirt all over it!" Hermione told him and he rolled his eyes and followed Harry and went up to their dormitories.

Hermione and Ginny: Travelling Through TimeWhere stories live. Discover now