Chapter 16 - Escape

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The next chapter is going to be veeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyy interesting.

Happy birthday to the queen of the world, Mitch Grassi <333


I sat in the middle of the hallway and listened to the sounds of the boys moving things around their rooms. My eyes were fixated on Roxas' closed door ahead of me.

All that time we sat there in silence, and I couldn't phase back. He sat waiting for me for almost two hours before he was convinced something bad had happened to me and ran out to get Claudette. She knew too now, and she didn't understand. No one did. It was all too unreal and hard to believe. I desperately wished that it was just a really bad dream. Then I thought about Roxas. Something that good couldn't be in a nightmare.

While on the other side, I went into the basement and sat in the vacant room Eddie had trapped me in. It was hollow and cold, with cement walls and cement floors. I sat in the middle of the room on that metal chair and just thought while I kept an ear out for Roxas. I could hear him speaking even though he was a floor up. I just had to focus and I could hear anything I wanted around me. The birds outside. The cars a mile away driving past the cursed Traverse Road. The grass growing on the newly set graves through the woods. It was one of the bittersweet advantages of being on the other side.

The amount of upset that was in Rox's voice was alarming. Though, naturally, I guess it should have been. His boyfriend disappeared before his eyes only confirming that he was dead. He questioned whether or not I was really alive all the times I was with him. Now I couldn't even break out of this to explain it all to him.

All that time in the basement and only one thing could run through my head. What was going to happen to him? Eddie was out to get him because he knew it would get to me. He wouldn't kill him, not right away, because that would be too obvious. Eddie wanted to mess with me. He wanted to make sure my life was a living hell all because I burned his girlfriend's nasty spirit alive. He had her back and he still wanted to be rid of me. Pure evil ran through the man's veins.

I went through every possibility, and there was only one conclusion.

I had to stop being selfish.

I wanted to keep alive so I could be with Roxas. So I could live to see eighteen and take the small inheritance my parents left behind so I could get a crappy apartment in some crappy city and work for the rest of my life. I actually wanted that. I was going to find some way to reverse all of this, but I couldn't have anyone else here. I had to make sure everyone was safe and sound before I did anything that could possibly get anyone else killed.


I looked up to see Scar standing in the shadow against the cement wall. His arms were crossed over his chest and he made quick clicking noises with his mouth as if he were disappointed.

"Why is it stupid?" I asked him. "It makes total sense to me."

"Getting everyone to safety totally makes sense." He said. "But facing off against Eddie? You're in purgatory, kid. If you go after him he's going to end you for good."

He started to walk towards me when I looked away from him and he leaned down in front of my chair.

"If anyone can find a way out, it's you." He said. "You've done it so far."

"I wouldn't be in this position if that was true..."

He sighed. "You will find a way. Just get everyone out and I'll help you the best I can."

"Will you be able to?"

"Maybe not for long periods at a time...but yeah...our old buddy here is willing too."

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