Chapter 14 - Oblivion

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I'm supposed to be writing a term paper but I like writing this story SO MUCH MORE so here's an update!!!


I stared at Eddie hard, my hands gripped at the ends of the chair arms. The room had become humid and suffocating and I envied Sticks in the moment. The floor was cool through my torn up sneakers and he was sprawled out over the dark cement. His chest moved up and down carefully as he slept.

"All you just told me..." I started angrily. "Is that Claudette burned down the staff's house."

He stared back at me with a strange expression, as if he were getting ready to defend himself if needed.

"What the fuck does that prove to me?" I asked, anger building up inside of my chest and making my cheeks burn hot. "She was protecting your lover." The word to him was a mockery. I made sure to emphasize it. "You act like she's the worst thing in the world."

He laughed in his low, bassy tone. He seemed almost human. "All I can show you is an overview. I could never show you what really happened. All I showed you was what I knew to be true. That's the story she told me."

I glared hard at him. "Then what are you holding back from me?" I asked. "What did she do? And don't show me what you want me to see. You better not be making anything up."

"I'm not." He said. "You can ask her yourself if you'd like."

I stood up from the chair but immediately, without physical touch, I was forced to sit back down.

"They'll be returning soon enough." He said. "It's almost dawn now."

I shut my eyes and cringed to myself. I had gotten nothing done that I had wanted to do, and Sticks was knocked out cold. Lottie was still in the attic in her old office and God only knew what kind of condition she was in.

I felt like begging as I stared back at the serious man. He stood up slowly in his ghoulish, unrealistic way. Looking at ghosts felt like being in a dream. They either moved in fragments, or all too fluidly. Eddie was fragmented as he stood up, his body damaged from the curse that had been laid upon him.

He stared down at me. "Your friend will be fine." He pointed his thumb over to Sticks, who was stirring a bit in his sleep. His head rocked slowly side to side as he tried to wake up.

"Where are you going?" I asked quietly.

He smiled his ugly smile. "To see my love." He put his hands together. "You'll get another day with yours."

I shut my eyes as he disappeared out of sight and put my head into my hands. I was sick of the vague messages and subtle threats against Roxas. There had to be a way to get them all out of here and away from danger without raising any suspicion, but I came up short. There was nothing I could do.

"Fuck..." Sticks mumbled as his hand went to the back of his head. He sat up slowly, groaning as he did.

I rested my mouth on my hands and watched him as he got himself together. He finally looked over to me, and then started looking around the room frantically. "What is this?" He asked me, his eyes growing to the size of saucers.

"We're in the basement." I said to him. Panic rushed through me suddenly when I realized I wouldn't be able to get Sticks out of there. "We need to leave..." I stood up and went right for the metal door, grabbing the cold handle and pulling with all my might in fear that it might not open. Thankfully it opened without hesitation and the cold, pitch black hallway was cast before me.

"This is a real part of the basement?" He asked me. "Holy shit! This was part of the old building!"

"You catch on quick." I beraded him and then grabbed his hand. "Come on. We need to get out of here."

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