Chapter 8 - Warm Bodies

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I'm seeing Pentatonix on Monday night ;___;

Also - I got accepted into writing school :)

Updates will be scattered...I'll do whatever I can whenever I can find the time to do so. Please enjoy this chapter. I love you guys so much <3


I paced back and forth as my rubber soles echoed against the wet stones beneath me. My heart was beating hard and fast in my chest as I tried to think of an escape route out of the silent, haunting well that I was trapped in. I slipped one hand under my hat so it lifted up to slip down onto my forehead as I ran my fingers through the back of my hair. I tried to take some deep breaths so I could focus my thinking.

“He has Roxas…” I whispered out into the quiet and my echo answered me back, startling me for a moment. I stopped where I stood and fixed my hat before I rubbed my tired, drooping eyes with my cold hands. I took a long deep breath. “No…don’t think about him right now…how are you going to get out of here? Think about that…think about where this could lead…”

I pat the hem of my pants as the blueprints crossed my mind, but I remembered that they were in the bag that Sticks had carried down into the basement with us. I put my hands on my hips as my stomach began to hurt and anxiety began to dry my throat. I shut my eyes and took a few more deep breaths before I turned to where Eddie had exited out of the room. The half-spherical room’s walls billowed out into small tunnels, most of which I could see down. They ended with strange looking dirt-covered bars. The one he exited down, however was too hard to see down.

I slowly started to make my way towards the entrance of the tunnel. It’s ceiling was shorter than my height, so I slowly got down onto my knees and tried to look to see what was at the end. I hesitated for a moment and looked around the room one last time with the help of the moonlight coming from the small hole above, but my flashlight wasn’t in there.

I turned back to the dark tunnel and started to crawl slowly. The stone eventually turned into dirt and the top became lower. I felt my hat brush against loose dirt and rocks above me as I tried to go in deeper, but I was finding myself being constricted between the earth. I scoffed out of frustration and lowered myself onto my elbows. I began to army crawl through the small space and finally felt a light draft coming towards me. I stopped and tried to see ahead into the darkness, but it was dark to the point where my eyes couldn’t even adjust on what was before me. I crawled a bit more until the draft was stronger and I extended my hand out before me. I moved myself closer and closer as the draft got stronger, and finally my hand touched something cold. I smiled to myself when I ran my hand over the ice cold, damp, metal grate that was before me. I pushed on it hard but it didn’t budge, so I brought myself close to start to pull on the bars.

It took a while, but finally I was able to remove it and place it by my side with some struggle. I pulled myself towards where the opening was, taking a large breath in when I felt myself enter the wide open space that was ahead of me. I slowly started to pull out of the hole, reaching my hands down to make sure I would hit a floor and not fall into an abyss. I laughed loudly when I felt the cold tile underneath my palms and I let my body drop so it hit the ground.

I laid there a moment and smiled into the darkness before I started laughing to myself once again. Then I remembered that Eddie could be coming after me now that I escaped the room and I stood up quickly. I brought myself over to the wall I slipped down from and felt as I walked along it. The wall was damp and dirty feeling underneath my frozen fingers. A raised column that I guessed was wood met my fingers next and I ran my fingers down the length of it before moving my hand over to a cold metal piece of wall.

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