A Host Club?!

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"What..?" you said softly as you and Haruhi looked a the scene before you. There was six guys posing in the center of the room, one of them in the center with blonde hair, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands folded as he looked towards the now opened doors. 

"Oh, wow, it's a boy!" Two voices chorused. Boy? They seemed to be only staring at Haruhi. You did realized that she was standing much further in the room than you. You were practically still standing in the hall and the boys seemed to not have noticed you yet. You had half the mind to run off and not get involved in... whatever this is. Still don't know why they said boy, though.

You then let out three high pitched sneezes, which turned the attention to you. Damn. You rubbed your nose and thought to yourself, grumpily, stupid rose petals, stupid pollen, when a boy in glasses corrected, "No, there's a girl, too. These two are both new students. I believe there in your class, Hikaru and Kaoru." "Two new students in one day? This could be interesting..." one said to another, loudly enough for the room to hear, "Yeah," The one with a slightly deeper voice responded, "especially since one of them is just so cute." They both turned to face you and winked. Gross, you though as you scrunched up your face. You didn't like people randomly hitting on you.

"Also," the four-eyes continued, "I hear the young man," he gestured to Haruhi "is the new honor student." 

Out of nowhere, the blonde who was sitting so professionally in his chair popped into Haruhi's face. "What? So you must be Haruhi Fujioka!" he said in awe as Haruhi backed away, trying to slowly back out of the room, motioning me to follow. The blonde continued, not noticing. "You're the exceptional honor student we've heard about!" "How did you know my name?" Haruhi asked in a wavering voice. "Why, you're infamous," glasses explains, "it's not everyday a commoner gains entrance into our academy." He stops to look at me and smiles,"Or former commoner like yourself, Miss Midori Kawaguchi." 

How could he know that? you thought, sweating. What even is this place? What kind of information do they have on people? Specs seemed to be reading your mind. "Anyways, you two, welcome to the Ouran Highschool Host Club." Host... Club?

"Wow, you guys are just amazing. You, Mr. Fujioka, to be able to go through the treacherous obstacles as a commoner and you, Miss. Kawaguchi, to overcome being poor and now is living in the world of wealth and beauty!" The blonde spoke dramatically, clamping his hand on each of our shoulders. What is even half of this crap he's saying? Treacherous obstacles? The world of wealth and beauty? Just what kind of idiot is he?  

The blonde know was focusing mostly on Haruhi, saying how she was a hero for all commoners and more bs. At least no one was paying attention to you. Everyone, including yourself, was too preoccupied watching the insane show of "Let's Bother Haruhi and Miss Gender Her! featuring Blondie!" You felt two arms slide over you shoulders. Seems like I thought too soon, you thought. You looked up to see who was touching you. It was the twins who rectangle eyes said would be in the same class as you and Haruhi. "Feeling lonely?" The one on your right whispered into your ear. "Gross, no, get off!" you ordered, trying to shake them off. You didn't even blush. Just who did these two think they are? 

The twins didn't budge to your shaking and just decided to cling to your arms instead. "Why?" the one on your left asked, "Me and my brother just saw how sad you were watching Boss and the honor student gallivant around with each other so we decided to come over and say hi." He purred into your arm and looked up at you with a smirk. "Yeah, we knew that you just wanted some attention, too~" The other said seductively as he blew onto your neck. You felt a shiver go up your spine, no not a good one, a creepy one. Random guys flirting and touching you was so not your forte. 

"I'm out of here," You heard Haruhi say, "C'mon, Midori, this place is weird." Couldn't agree with you more Haru-chan! you thought gleefully as the twins finally released their grip on your arms and you bounded after Haruhi's retreating form. "Hey!" A small and cute voice cried. Both you and Haruhi was pulled back and faced towards a small boy with big chocolate colored eyes and blonde hair with flowers of moe surrounding his head. "So that means that you two are like superheroes or something! Cool!" "No," said Haruhi "I'm an honor student."

"But, you know what's so interesting?" Blondie said softly with his hand on his chin. You looked over in question. "The new honor student is so openly gay." What.

"GAY?!" Haruhi exclaims in shock. "So, tell me," Prince-not-so-Charming strutted over to her, "What's you're type?" Haruhi shows a face of shock and confusion.

"My type?"

"Yes, you know, you're type!"

"Do you like the strong and silent type?" He asked as he gestured over to the tall dude.

"The boy Lolita?" He went over to that little cutie pie with the big brown eyes. Aw.

"How 'bout the mischievous type?" Fred and George Weasley.

"Or the cool type?" The nerd.

Haruhi backed with a terrified expression on her face.

"I-I, uh, It's not like that! I was- we were just looking for a quiet place to study!" She protested in a shaky voice. 

"Or maybe,"  the blonde offered suggestively, grabbing under Haruhi's chin, "you're into a guy like me? What do you say?" 

Haruhi jumped back in surprise, knocking into a blue antique vase behind her. It toppled over and you lunged to catch it, but it was too late. CRASH! The vase shattered against the marble floor.

The Trancy triplets minus one looked over at the broken vase and spoke together. "Aw!" The one on the left complained, "We were gonna feature that renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction!" The one on the right continued, "Oh, now you've done it commoner! The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen!"

"EIGHT MILLION YEN?!" Haruhi cried, wiggling her fingers as if she counting on them, "How many thousands are that? How many thousands are in a million?"

You couldn't stand to see her stressed like that. Eight million yen wasn't that much. "Haru-chan," you spoke softly and rested your hand on her head gently, "It's alright, I can take care of it, I'll just call my mom and ask her." "No, no," she protested,"I can't let you do that, this isn't your mistake." She turned around to the hosts, "I'm going to have to pay you back..."

"Haha," Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum laughed, "With what money? You can't even afford the school uniform!"

Haruhi whimpered.

"Well, Tamaki," anime glasses glare said, "What do you think we should do?"

Blondette (Tamaki, I guess) sat in his chair and crossed his legs. "There's a famous saying you may have heard, Fujioka. When in Rome, you do as the Romans do."

"From now on, you'll be the hosts club's dog!"

Oh boy.      


A Very Twin-y Twist (Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru) OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now