Jungle Pool SOS!

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"Um, look, Hiroshi." You adverted your eyes to the ground, using your left hand to scratch the back of your head. The other one was holding a rather large red box of chocolates, wrapped with a sheer pink bow.

"It's extremely sweet of you to give me this and really nice of you to say that you like me, but I'm going to have to say that my feelings don't reciprocate." You dared to flicker your eyes back to his, biting your lip.

How disappointed he was was prominent, his expression turning from a bashful one to something unreadable. You admittedly felt guilty.

"S-sorry!" You quickly bent into a deep bow, both of your hands gripping the chocolates.

You heard a laugh and you lifted your head. Hiroshi was lightly chuckling with the back of his hand covering his mouth. You rose from you bow.

"It's alright, Midori." He said, smiling sheepishly. "I already kind of expected that answer." Hiroshi laughed again while sweatdropping.

"You did?" You asked while widening your eyes.

Hiroshi shrugged.

"Well, yeah. It's not everyday that a girl as pretty as yourself goes for a like me. Worth a shot anyways."

"No!" You shouted while he rose his eyebrows. "Don't put yourself lower than me just because I rejected you! I just wasn't the right girl!" Hiroshi blinked at you.

You looked down at the box in your hand. "Er, here. Take these back." You stuck your hand out awkwardly.

He gently pushed the box back to you. "Nah, you keep them."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, those are milk chocolates and I'm lactose intolerant." Hiroshi shrugged again while giving you a half grin.


"Bye!" He called, jogging to the sidewalk. "And thanks."

You blinked at him. "For what?"

Hiroshi was walking backwards at this point. "Well, it's not everyday that a girl gives you good advice after she turns you down. Later!" He turned around and went back to jogging.

You raised your hand as a goodbye, even though you knew he didn't see you. You looked back down at the chocolates.

Free candy, at least.

You shoved the box into your shoulder bag and continue walking to the school's front gate. You offered to help Haruhi with her laundry in return for the many times that she tutored you and you were supposed to be meeting at the front of the school.

I hope she's there right now. You thought. I really should get her a-

Arms hooked under yours as soon as you walked out from under the entrance.
"Wah!" You exclaimed out of shock. Your captors were taller than you with matching heads of red hair and hazel-gold eyes. Ouran's famous devil twins.

"Target," Hikaru started, smirking.

"Captured!" Kaoru finished, smirking as well.

"Wait!" You cried, trying to squirm out of their holds. "What the-?!"

A limousine pulled up in front for you, the back seat window down. Inside, you could see Tamaki, wearing a lei made out of red plumerias and sunglasses, and Haruhi sitting next to him, looking irritated with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Good work." Tamaki complimented the twins. "Now take her with you."

"Roger!" They exclaimed in unison.

A Very Twin-y Twist (Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru) OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now