The Job of a Highschool Host

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You were sitting in the library with Haruhi, doing an extra credit assignment. Haruhi was always able to make you a bit more studious, since the only thing she did was study and the only time you can spend with her is while studying. So, hey, if you can't beat them, join them.

The bell on the clock tower chimed, signaling the next hour. Both you and Haruhi groaned in distress. Time to go to the host club, you thought sarcastically, yay.

Since Haruhi and the other hosts are keeping the secret that she's a girl and you so happened to be the only non-member you knew of this, Tamaki insisted that you'd stay "close" to them. So, even though you're not a member (they actually asked you join, but you declined, still feeling iffy about the fact that there is a host club) it's still mandatory that you show up. That is if you don't, Haruhi get 5oo more yen added to her debt each time you're not.

You both hurriedly packed up your books and ran down the halls, trying to be on time for the club. You'll never hear the end of it.

Once you and Haruhi opened the doors to the host club, you met with tropical butterflies and birds. Palm trees grew and there was all different kinds of flowers which you were sure was not native. It was decked out like some kind of paradise.

"What's this?" Haruhi asked.

"Where are we?" You say, just as confused.

You look up and see the host club in some kind of tropical-esque cosplay. You weren't sure what to call it.

"Welcome!" the hosts chimed to you and Haruhi.

"You finally made it, Haruhi. God, you're so late." The twins retorted. When their eyes flickered to you, however, their faces lit up with grins. "But, you have perfect timing, Mi-chan!" They stuck their thumbs up at you.

You put your hand up to your forehead. I thought I told them not to called me that, you sweatdropped.

You chose to ignore them however. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought it was still early spring." You commented on the atmosphere of the club room.

"Oh, but don't you see Midori," Tamaki stood up, with a red fan in hand, as flamboyant and dramatic as always. "Huddling together in a room when it's cold outside is no fun at all! The tropics are where it's at! Not to mention that our heating system is simply the best." He struck a pose with his fan. I seriously can't with him, you thought bitterly.

Haruhi clearly agreed with you, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Haruhi?" Kyoya questioned. Why do they always blame her for what I do?

"You should be careful with what you say," Kyoya continued his threat. "You owe us eight million yen, remember." He finished with a smile, which was completely terrifying. You saw Haruhi go pale and gulped. Not good.

Tamaki started talking again. "We, as gentlemen, do not bundle up in bulky clothing! It may chilly outside, but in the club, we want to surprise our princesses with something warm!"

"We've turned this place into nirvana," he droned on, draping an arm around Haruhi, "a beautiful tropical island full of everlasting summer!" Tamaki dramatically flipped his hair and put his hand in the air. You almost applauded his performance.

Haruhi, on the other hand, bitterly said, "That's funny because I feel a massive chill right now."

Someone wasn't very happy.

When the guest arrived, you were sitting off to the side, reading a manga and sipping lemonade.

Alone, of course, you preferred not to show this interest of yours, especially not in this setting.

A Very Twin-y Twist (Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru) OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now