Hate at first sight

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I like this school, well I just like the way it looks. Modern. Well the girls, I love the girls. All the girls and lord knows they adore me. Who wouldn't? I mean I'm a reasonable 6ft1; rough neck-long black locks; lean athletic body due to me practically living at the gym; long slim fingers that never let me down, apart from one time. She was soooo hot like molten hot, she had these amazing...

"Mind where your going," She paused and gazed up at me with her honey brown eyes "Oh god you're not new are you? Shit you are. Okay we have some ground rules:
-no looking at me
-no breathing in my direction (you won't believe how many people forget that)
-don't talk unless your spoken too, you should be seen and not heard
-never attempt to challenge my authority, consequences apply..."

At this moment I broke an unspoken rule, no touching, as I cupped her cheek in one hand and whispered into her ear "I know I won't follow those rules, you know that too." Having to bend that low should be illegal. I stood up straight, gaining direct eye contact with her, eye contact that she maintained. Her eyes burnt through my soul gradually. Unfortunately for her I already made a hole in her heart. She blinked and fluttered her eyelashes. Her cheeks flushed a deep red. She craned her neck sideways to check for an audience. I did the same, but by the time I had turnt back around. I felt a heavy force applied to my chest sending me hurtling through a door and into an empty classroom land on impact on my back, her body straddling mine, her scent clouding my nostrils.

I like it rough, I guess she likes it the same. I can see the lust in her eyes, but don't judge her too much after all she's only human.
Swearing ahead
"Listen up you little shit. I rule these halls, meaning I rule you..."
"Ok, ok get the fuck off me my shirt costs more than this school. We can compromise. You have the halls and I have..."
"...the rooms."
I stood up and she was still on her knees, God I love the look of her like that, but I couldn't stay very long to gaze at her beauty so I took a few long strides to exit the room.
By now we did have an audience and what a wonderful first impression I made. I glanced at the floor and made my way through the crowd to my first class on my first day. I heard the door slam echoing behind me.
"MOVE ALONG BITCHES! I'm not your TV go look for some other way entertain your blue balls. Pervs."
She scoffed, then her heels began clicking on the stone floor rhythmically. The sound rapidly approaching me. Her shoulder crashed into my arm and she parted her lips and spoke the harshest words "I don't fuck with fuck boys." She continued to tread on leaving me in her shadow to assemble with her clique. The clique from hell as I soon learn

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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