An Ancestral Language

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I combined two old ideas to establish a common ancestor of languages that the speakers of a Jewish-inspired language would learn.

Proto-Consonants: m, n, p, b, bβ, t, d, dð, c, ɟ, ɟʝ, k, g, gɣ, kʷ, gʷ, gɣʷ, ʔ, s, ʕ, ʕʷ, r, l, j, w

Proto-Vowels: a, aː, e, eː, i, iː, o, oː, u, uː

Syllable structure: a simplified or generally and practically modified version of the PIE syllable structure of (C)CVC(C), where, originally, [s] or any of the laryngeals may precede the initial consonant, syllabic consonants exist, the sonority hierarchy is followed, etc.

Stress: ???

Writing system: ???

Synthesis: ???

Word order: ???

Adjectives: ???

Adpositions: ???

Noun cases: ???

Grammatical number: ???

Grammatical Gender: ???

Noun classes: ???

Verb classes: ???

Tenses: ???

Aspects: ???

Moods: ???

Interjections: ???

Copula(s): ???

Conjunctions: ???

Valency-changers: ???

Contractions: ???

Negation: ???

Double negation: ???

Question marking: ???

Yes/no questions: ???

Augmentatives and/or Diminutives: ???

Comparatives and similar: ???

Demonstratives: ???

Articles: ???

Persons: ???

Dependency: ???

Obviation: ???

Polypersonal agreement: ???

Finiteness: ???

Polarity: ???

Emphasis: ???

Frequency: ???

Nominalization: ???

Ergativity: ???

Clusivity: ???

Number system: ???

Sets of number words: ???

It's a lot to consider, though after seeing Xidnaf's videos, I thought of some sound changes. Compared to what he said about the transition from PIE to Sanskrit, I might change some stuff with [c] becoming [ç], [ɟ] becoming [ʝ], and [ɟʝ] becoming either [ʁ], [ʀ], or [ʕ]. That third option could be left out depending on the fate of the three laryngeals in the transition.

As for the transition from PIE to Greek, the palatals could still merge with the velars, and the labialized consonants could still merge with varying other stops or affricates depending on their following vowels, but the remaining three affricates would still device, becoming [pɸ], [tθ], and [kx].

The transition from PIE to Latin could also be recreated, though it would be mundane. To keep it different, I would need to modify Latin's phonology and accommodate for sound changes from this PIE parody to a potential Latin parody. I'd pretty much replace [f] with its bilabial equivalent. Nothing else. I need to look at the actual sound changes from PIE to Latin.

For those pharyngealized consonants conlangs, I'm thinking of those other consonants being the proto-lang, but still being a descendant of this PIE parody via an equivalent of a sound change that could alternatively be called "Rask's Law". The voiceless stops could spirantize, thus becoming [ɸ], [θ], [x], and [xʷ], or they could instead become [pɸ], [tθ], [kx], and [kxʷ]. Maybe the former, with the labialized stops delabializing, then pharyngealization of [t], [s]. and the dental and velar obstruents. And [g] could spirantize perhaps somewhere in between.

There is a PIE conlang called Prosian, which is transcribed with Hanzi. I might include the latter option in this new modification of the sound changes from PIE to Prosian, using one logography to transcribe it, the logography being for that Austronesian-like conlang. However, looking at a spreadsheet the creator of Prosian provided of the sound changes, the labialized consonants would merge with the velars.

Though I could add [kx], and [kxʷ] to the descendants of other languages, whatever they may be, and which ones would suffice with them. Maybe the descendants of the conlang that is inspired by Ts'ap'u-K'ama and the Eskaleut languages. Or a different descendant of a different protolanguage. I might figure something out.

I think I figured out how to add those sounds. A version of "Rask's Law", but with the voiceless stops instead becoming affricates, but the palatal stops are kept alongside the labialized velars. I might also figure out other sound changes. But what about grammar changes? Latin tenses utilize the following: present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect. I might add a few additional tenses and aspects, but not too many, though these tenses can be sorted on a grid among their base tenses and aspects. The moods are indicative, subjunctive, and imperative. I'm debating what to do with those moods. Whatever idea I might consider for the tenses of the Latin-esque conlang, and those featural script conlangs, I need to think of the tense system of the ancestral language as well.

There is so much to consider, but what could/should be done? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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