Chapter 2

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Louis' POV

"What are you making for dinner Haz?" I asked, while lazing on the couch.

We had gotten back to our flat a few hours ago and I was enjoying being lazy, while Harry was preparing dinner.

"Spaghetti," Harry smiled.

He has such a cute smile. Wait, what the heck! No. Bad Louis. You're straight. I don't know when I started feeling this way towards Harry. It must have been back in the X-Factor days, but I had done my best to put the thoughts in the back of my mind because one thing was for sure, Harry was straight. And so are you, you idiot. I sighed, annoyed with my thoughts. Instead I focused my attention on Harry.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"Yes, actually, you can set the table," Harry said.

I pouted, "but I wanna cook!"

"Now, Louis," Harry said, with his hands on his hips, "dinner is almost ready and I don't want to have to order take out because you burnt the spaghetti."

"Fine," I muttered, sticking my tongue out at him.

I set the table carefully, not wanting to break any plates. I lit the three candles that were placed in the middle of the table and smiled. It looked so romantic and, now that Harry and I were "dating", maybe it would be.

"Dinner is ready darling," Harry said, putting two plates of spaghetti and garlic bread on the table.

"Why thank you honey," I smirked, "what would I ever do without you?"

"You'd starve to death," Harry said simply.

We both laughed and sat down to enjoy our wonderful dinner.

"So," Harry started, "about the dare."

Oh no, I knew this was going to happen. he doesn't want to go out with me. Wait! Snap out of it Lou, you don't want to go out with him either. I looked up and saw Harry staring at me expectantly.

"Yes?" I finally managed.

"Well, I was thinking," Harry mumbled, "that maybe we should, you know, act more like a couple when we're alone. I-I mean w-we don't have to if y-you don't want to."

I perked up at this, "Harry that sounds like a wonderful idea."

His eyes widened in suprise, "really? You mean that?"

"Of course I do," I said, "I wouldn't lie to you."

Harry positively beamed at that comment and I silently thanked God for letting me be the reason for that smile. The rest of the dinner was spent with the two of us sneaking glances at each other and giggling when we snuck them at the same time. Once dinner was done and the dishes were washed Harry and I settled into the couch to watch The Notebook. As the movie progressed I could feel Harry wrap his arm around me. I responded by snuggling closer into his side. It just felt so right. Here I was snuggled up against my amazing boyfriend. But he's not your boyfriend you idiot and he doesn't want to be. This is all part of a dare and once it's done you're both going to go your seperate ways, love wise, and act like this never happened. I frowned at that thought. But hey, enjoy it while you got it, right?

"What's wrong boobear?" Harry asked, concerned, "You are awfully tense."

"I was just thinking about the dare and the fact that we have to pretend it never happened."

"Yeah," Harry said, "good thing, huh?"

My throat restricted and all I managed was a weak nod of the head. Why was I so stupid? I keep forgetting that Harry doesn't feel that way about me. And, you don't feel that way about him. Or do you? No, of course not. At least, I hope not. I was jerked out of my thoughts by Harry's head cuddling into my shoulder. I tensed without realizing it, but Harry did,

"Did I do something wrong Lou?" He asked, a frown on his beautiful face.

"No!" I said, "You just startled me that's all. It felt nice."

I mentally slapped myself for saying that, but harry's eyes lit up. He cuddled back into my shoulder and I relaxed immediately. Gosh, it felt so nice! Shut up Louis. You do not like him! I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and laid my head onto Harry's. Within a few minutes I was whisked away to the land of dreams.

***The Next Morning***

Still Louis' POV

I woke up in someone's arms. I turned to see Harry sleeping peacefully. I looked at his face with an awe struck expression. Damn! He was so georgous. I didn't even fight the thought, instead I just accepted that I might have a slight crush on Harry. I put a hand on his head and ran it through his hair. He started to stir underneath me.

"Hey Lou," he said quietly.

"Hey Haz," I smiled.

He shifted positions and I thought he was going to tell me to get off. Instead, he laid so his forehead was touching my forehead. He put a tentative hand in my hair and smiled. I couldn't believe this! Was he going to kiss me? Oh, I hope he does.


"Yes, Haz?"

"I'm glad that you're the person I get to pretend date."

My eyes widened, as did my smile, "I'm glad that you're the person I get to fake date too."

He smiled and pressed a kiss to my nose. I giggled, much to my displeasure, and kissed his nose in return. Once I pulled away from his nose he closed his eyes and started leaning in. OMG! Is he going to kiss me!? I closed my eyes and leaned towards him, but my stomach decided to betray me by letting out a loud grumble. Both of our eyes opened and I quickly got off of him. For a moment he almost looked sad, but he quickly covered it up.

"Sounds like someone is hungry," he chuckled.

I laughed, "yes. Can we please make some food?"

"Sure Lou," he smiled, "do you think you can manage to not burn the toast?"

"Of course!" I said.

He smiled and walked into the kitchen. I followed him, but ended up walking into a wall. I couldn't keep my head clear of one thought; was he going to kiss me?

It was supposed to be a dareWhere stories live. Discover now