Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

I opened my eyes the next morning to see my beautiful boyfriend sleeping soundly. Yes, we fell alseep on the couch again. I smiled. I can't believe he's finally my boyfriend; my real boyfriend. I got up carefully, trying to keep from waking Louis, and walked into the kitchen. I made breakfast slowly, enjoying the peace fullness of the flat. When I was finishing cooking the last two pancakes, I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"Morning love," Louis whispered.

"Morning gorgeous," I murmured.

I took the last two pancakes off the stove and slipped them onto our plates. Louis pressed a soft kiss to my ear and I chuckled, softly.

"As much as I would love for this to continue our food is getting cold," I said.

"Fine," Louis muttered, "but you owe."

"And I'll gladly pay up," I said, pressing a kiss to his forhead.

We walked over to the table and began eating.

"So," I said, "what's on the schedule for today?"

"The boys called," Louis shrugged, "they'll be over in about an hour."

I nodded my head. We have a 2 month vacation right now, so the days are pretty quiet. We ate quickly, sneaking glances at one another, and then went to our rooms to change into fresh clothes.

***1 Hour Later***

*Ding Dong*

Still Harry's POV

I walked over to the door and looked to see who it was. Liam, Zayn, and Niall were standing there waiting for the door to be opened. I opened it and the boys hurried in.

"Hi mate, I'm hungry," Niall said.

I laughed, "of course you are. You know where the fridge is."

Niall nodded his head and ran to the fridge. The other boys chuckled and Louis walked into the room.

"Hello boys," he said, placing his arms around my waist once again. I leaned my head into the crook of his neck and placed a few soft kisses on him.

"It seems like the fake dating is going really well," Zayn chuckled.

"You could say that," I mumbled.

"We're just trying to stay in character at all times so we don't slip up," Louis smiled.

I smiled too, and stepped out of his grasp reluctantly. Thank God I have such an amazing boyfriend who knows what to say in akward situations.

"That's a good idea," Liam said, "we wouldn't want the public to get suspicious."

"Yeah," Niall, who was now back with a sandwhich, agreed, "although it's almost a pity you aren't really dating."

"W-what?" I asked, shocked.

"It's just you guys would make such a cute couple," he blushed.

"You really think so?" Louis asked, cautiously.

I knew what he was doing. He was trying to figure out how the other boys would react if they were going out. I suppose I wanted to know too, but I felt slightly afraid of what the answer would be. I saw Niall open his mouth to answer and I mentally prepared for the worst.

"I really do," Niall mumbled.

"Well I don't," Liam frowned, "same sex couples are wrong and the only reason I went along with this disgusting dare is because Zayn threatened to pour a bucket of pink paint on my head."

(Authors note: I know Liam doesn't really think that but for the purpose of the story I needed one person who wouldn't agree with them dating. Thanks for putting up with it and I promise I'm not going to make Liam the bad guy. Bye. :) )


That was all Louis and I managed. Our faces dropped, I'm sure, and we stared at Liam in surprise. Here was Liam, the guy that had always pushed Louis and I to be ourselves when the public began to criticize us for our "bromance", basically forcing us to well stay in the closet. I mean, sure, he didn't know that he was doing that, but he was doing it none the less. I looked at Louis and he looked crushed. I wrapped an arm around him casually and he snuggled into me. Liam raised his eyes up at this and I was worried he figured it out.

"You two aren't really dating are you?" Liam asked.

"No!" Louis and I both shouted.

I looked at Louis and I could tell he had more to say. I gave him a silent nod, nudging him to go on. He took the hint.

"Being gay is wrong," he began, "I would never affiliate myself with something so disgusting or immoral and I'm sure Harry feels the same way."

This time is was his turn to nudge me.

"Yeah," I agreed, "I like tits."

All the boys cracked up at this, including Louis and myself, but only because we knew how much of a lie that was. Once the laughter had died down we moved on. We plopped on the couch and put on a movie. It was Toy Story. Yeah, we put it in in an effort to get Liam focused on something else. I went into the kitchen with Liam and put a bag of popcorn in. After making three bags, we eat a lot ok, I poured the bags into separate bowls.

"Harry," Louis said, "can we talk before we go in the other room?"

"Yeah," I said, "what's up?"

"Do you think we should tell Niall and Zayn?" He asked, "Since they didn't seem against our relationship."

"I think that we would be risking Liam finding out," I muttered, "I'm not saying they would tell him, but they could slip up and accidentally tell him. We already have to make sure we don't tell him. That seems like a bit too much pressure to put on them."

"I guess you're right," Louis sighed, "but what happens when the three months are up? We aren't going to break up, are we?"

"Not a chance," I smiled, "you're stuck with me, love. We just need to show Liam how in love we are and I'm sure he'll come around. In the end he wants us to be happy and we are happy."

Louis smiled and I planted a soft kiss on his lips. He responded by wrapping his hands around my neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. The kiss was soft and sweet, but so full of love, I felt like I would burst at any second. I was just about to lick his lips and beg for entry when-

"What the hell!?"

It was supposed to be a dareWhere stories live. Discover now